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Qaagi - Book of Why



a case of facial orbital traumaresultsin an orbital fracture

most commonly(passive) is ... causedAn orbital fracture

Direct blunt trauma to the globe ( eyeballcan also causean orbital fracture

many kinds of traumacan causeorbital fractures

If your child sustains traumacausesorbital fractures

Trauma to the eye areamay resulton an orbital fracture

severe blunt force trauma(passive) caused byorbital fractures

the use of air under pressure(passive) caused byorbital wall fracture

the impact of the accident(passive) caused byan orbital fracture

attacked Officerscausingan orbital bone fracture

I am 43 years old , when I was 20 , I experienced trauma / blow to my left eyeresultedin a orbital fracture

traumatic eye injury that fractures the bones of the orbit(passive) are caused byOrbital fractures

Consequently , these bones are often broken with facial injuryresultingin an orbital fracture

an Accident Every year close to 2.5 million traumatic eye injuries occur(passive) Caused byan Orbital Fracture

the eyeball and other intra - orbital tissues(passive) caused byorbital fractures

high - speed impacts to the eye(passive) are usually caused byOrbital fractures

a sudden increase in pressure around your eyes(passive) are caused byOrbital fractures

road traffic accidents(passive) are commonly caused byOrbital fractures

a hard blow to the face(passive) are typically caused byOrbital fractures

The only wayto preventorbital fractures

high - speed balls , punches or elbowscauseorbital fractures

Puckscan causeorbital fractures

usually(passive) are causedOrbital fractures

violence(passive) caused byorbital fractures

a blunt force that breaks the bone surrounding the eyeball(passive) Usually caused byOrbital Fracture

Goggles were first introducedto preventorbital fractures

A sneeze that forces air into the orbitcan causeorbital fracture

neededto causeorbital fractures

Orbital rim fractures(passive) are causedOrbital rim fracture

a really bad fallresultedin an orbital fracture

most frequently(passive) were ... causedOrbital fractures

striking the orbital rim with a hurling ball(passive) caused byorbital fractures

Crush injuriesoften causeorbital fracture

direct impact to the face and you can suffer other facial bone injuries as well , along with eye or brain injuries Indirect orbital fracture(passive) is ... caused byOrbital rim fracture

his collision with Ranger Brendan Shanahan(passive) caused byorbital fractures

that it can even extend to the bones that form the eye socketsresultingin an orbital fracture

the potentialto causea severe orbital fracture

Staal ... a deflected shotresultedin an orbital fracture

an AccidentEvery year(passive) Caused byan Orbital Fracture

this audacious strokecan causean orbital fracture

acute extraocular muscle entrapment(passive) caused byacute extraocular muscle entrapment

in loss of vision R eyeresultingin loss of vision R eye

in a temporary vision lossresultedin a temporary vision loss

in permanent vision problems , such as blurred vision or double visioncan resultin permanent vision problems , such as blurred vision or double vision

in inferior rectus muscle entrapment , inferior orbital nerve entrapment , enophthalmos , or orbital dystopiaresultin inferior rectus muscle entrapment , inferior orbital nerve entrapment , enophthalmos , or orbital dystopia

to superior orbital fissure syndrome , which is the result of increased intraorbital pressurecan leadto superior orbital fissure syndrome , which is the result of increased intraorbital pressure

in emotional traumacan resultin emotional trauma

double vision , swelling , and paincan causedouble vision , swelling , and pain

in a fixed and dilated pupil.[ncbi.nlm.nih.govresultingin a fixed and dilated pupil.[ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

in bleeding that increases intraorbital pressure with the risk of permanent vision losscan resultin bleeding that increases intraorbital pressure with the risk of permanent vision loss

the eye to sink back into the socket – leaving a constant reminder of the trauma every time the patient looks in the mirrorcan causethe eye to sink back into the socket – leaving a constant reminder of the trauma every time the patient looks in the mirror

pain with eye movement , double vision , and bleeding from the nosecommonly causepain with eye movement , double vision , and bleeding from the nose

double vision , a change of vision , sunken eyeballs , decreased eye movement , and numbness in the face that could have permanent consequencescan causedouble vision , a change of vision , sunken eyeballs , decreased eye movement , and numbness in the face that could have permanent consequences

swelling around the eye , double vision , pain , facial numbnesscan causeswelling around the eye , double vision , pain , facial numbness

tremendous swelling and bruising around the eye , double vision and the inabilitycan causetremendous swelling and bruising around the eye , double vision and the inability

symptoms such as swelling , double vision , pain ... particularly when moving your eyes ) and bruisingwill causesymptoms such as swelling , double vision , pain ... particularly when moving your eyes ) and bruising

symptoms such as swelling , double vision , pain ( particularly with movement of the eyes ) and bruisingwill causesymptoms such as swelling , double vision , pain ( particularly with movement of the eyes ) and bruising

displacement of the eye ... from muscle and nerve entrapmentmay causedisplacement of the eye ... from muscle and nerve entrapment

to double vision , retinal detachments , retinal hemorrhages , corneal abrasions , conjunctival hemorrhages , and even acute glaucoma or cataractsleadingto double vision , retinal detachments , retinal hemorrhages , corneal abrasions , conjunctival hemorrhages , and even acute glaucoma or cataracts

from severe trauma to the eye socket ( the orbittypically resultfrom severe trauma to the eye socket ( the orbit

pain , swelling , double vision , pressure , bruising , eyeball trauma , nerve damage , muscular damage , and nasal or sinus damagemay causepain , swelling , double vision , pressure , bruising , eyeball trauma , nerve damage , muscular damage , and nasal or sinus damage

blurry or double vision ... swelling under or around the eyes and face , or create the appearance of sunken or bulging eyeballsmay causeblurry or double vision ... swelling under or around the eyes and face , or create the appearance of sunken or bulging eyeballs

to bruising , swelling , enophthalmos , ophthalmia , optic nerve injury , diplopia , cheek hypoesthesiamay leadto bruising , swelling , enophthalmos , ophthalmia , optic nerve injury , diplopia , cheek hypoesthesia

in significant enophthalmos and diplopia that fails to resolve and significant trapping of orbital structures within the fractureresultingin significant enophthalmos and diplopia that fails to resolve and significant trapping of orbital structures within the fracture


in injuries to the globe or infraorbital nervecan also resultin injuries to the globe or infraorbital nerve

serious eye injuriesmay causeserious eye injuries

in intraocular injuries and vision problemscan resultin intraocular injuries and vision problems

in globe injuries ranging from corneal abrasion to rupturecan often resultin globe injuries ranging from corneal abrasion to rupture

in globe malposition and restriction of ocular movementmay resultin globe malposition and restriction of ocular movement

to acute , compressive orbital hemorrhage , one of the most urgent ophthalmologic emergenciescan leadto acute , compressive orbital hemorrhage , one of the most urgent ophthalmologic emergencies

damage to the eyecan causedamage to the eye

in displacement of globecan resultin displacement of globe

in a sunken appearance or vision problemscan resultin a sunken appearance or vision problems

the eye to sink in and may cause limitation of the motility of the eyemay causethe eye to sink in and may cause limitation of the motility of the eye

Eye Injuries in Cleveland , Ohio Auto Accident VictimsCan CauseEye Injuries in Cleveland , Ohio Auto Accident Victims

dysfunction of the eyecan causedysfunction of the eye

pain , bruising and numbnesscan causepain , bruising and numbness

in intra - orbital bleeding , which exerts pressure on the eyeball , causing exophthalmos ( pro - trusion of the eyeballoften resultin intra - orbital bleeding , which exerts pressure on the eyeball , causing exophthalmos ( pro - trusion of the eyeball

in swelling , bruising , black eyes , and possible areas of bleeding on the whites of the eyesoften resultin swelling , bruising , black eyes , and possible areas of bleeding on the whites of the eyes


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