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Qaagi - Book of Why



Runoff of silt and fertilizerscausesnutrient pollution

Excessive input of nutrients in waterleadsto nutrient pollution

The most common contaminantscontributeto nutrient pollution

field marginscausingnutrient pollution

watercourses at field marginscausingnutrient pollution

by excess fertilizer that washes off farms and lawns into our waterways(passive) caused byNutrient pollution

excess nitrogen and phosphorus(passive) caused bynutrient pollution

nitrogen and phosphorus(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

Farming operationscan contributeto nutrient pollution

by the overabundance of the nutrients , nitrogen and phosphorus(passive) is causednutrient pollution

wastewater , sewage , and fertilizers(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

Excessive use of fertilizerscan leadto nutrient pollution

excess nitrogen and phosphorus entering our waterways(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

by fertilizer and other nitrogen sources(passive) caused bynutrient pollution

by excess nitrogen and phosphorous in water or air(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

by phosphorus and nitrogen(passive) caused bynutrient pollution

when put into the environmentcan leadto nutrient pollution

by excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the water and air(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the water and air(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the water(passive) caused byNutrient pollution

Fish waste and left over food spill out from nets into the oceancausingnutrient pollution

left over food spill out from nets into the oceancausingnutrient pollution

high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus originates from many sources including , but not limited to , fertilizers and manure from agriculture and soil erosion(passive) caused byNutrient pollution

due to extra application of the artificial fertilizers(passive) is causedEutrophication nutrient pollution

Green up the garden , not the waterways - over - fertilizationcausesnutrient pollution

fertilizationcausesnutrient pollution

excess nitrogen and phosphorus in waterways(passive) caused byNutrient pollution

by phosphorus and nitrogen runoff(passive) caused byNutrient pollution

the overabundance of phosphorus and nitrogen in the aquatic environment(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

fertilizer and septic tanksmay be contributingto nutrient pollution

over - fertilizingcan causenutrient pollution

leaching and volatilization(passive) caused bynutritional pollution

While phosphates are low toxicity , they become the nutrients for algaecausingnutrient pollution

the primary sources of the nitrogen and phosphoruscausingnutrient pollution

high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

Poor agricultural practices , soil erosion , and wetland destructionalso contributeto nutrient pollution

the overabundance of phosphorus and nitrogen in water which can cause health problems in people , fish and animals , as well as(passive) is caused byNutrient pollution

over or improper fertilization(passive) caused byNutrients pollution

Overuse of fertilizerscan causenutrient pollution

by excess phosphorus and nitrogen(passive) caused bynutrient water pollution

in a variety of ecological impactscan resultin a variety of ecological impacts

over enrichmentleadingover enrichment

many problems such ascausesmany problems such as

in algal blooms ... and lowering oxygen levels in areas where these streams empty into the seacan resultin algal blooms ... and lowering oxygen levels in areas where these streams empty into the sea

chemicals(passive) caused bychemicals

harmful algaecausesharmful algae

to algal bloomscan leadto algal blooms

to harmful algal growthcan leadto harmful algal growth

to red tide in area waterwayscan contributeto red tide in area waterways

from the discharge of agricultural aresultingfrom the discharge of agricultural a

from the discharge of agriculturalresultingfrom the discharge of agricultural

to water quality problemscan leadto water quality problems

biological harmis causingbiological harm

environmental damages on aquatic ecosystemscausesenvironmental damages on aquatic ecosystems

environmental damagescausesenvironmental damages

eutrophication , or an excess of nutrients , and pollution by microbes that can cause illnesscan causeeutrophication , or an excess of nutrients , and pollution by microbes that can cause illness

the Gulf Dead Zone , causesthe Gulf Dead Zone ,

an over - growth of algae and aquatic plantscausesan over - growth of algae and aquatic plants

of nitrates and phosphatesis ... composedof nitrates and phosphates

to acidificationcontributeto acidification

drinking water problemshas causeddrinking water problems

from surface runoff and infiltration to groundwaterresultingfrom surface runoff and infiltration to groundwater

from excess nitrogen ( N ) and phosporus ( Presultingfrom excess nitrogen ( N ) and phosporus ( P

from excessresultingfrom excess

from excess nitrogen ( N ) andresultingfrom excess nitrogen ( N ) and

water quality problems , particularly the influx of nitrogen and phosphoruscauseswater quality problems , particularly the influx of nitrogen and phosphorus

outbreaks of fish diseasescan ... causeoutbreaks of fish diseases

to disrupted ecosystems and population effectscan leadto disrupted ecosystems and population effects

algae to grow faster than ecosystems can handle , harming water quality , food resources for aquatic animals , and marine habitatscausesalgae to grow faster than ecosystems can handle , harming water quality , food resources for aquatic animals , and marine habitats


deteriorating water quality(passive) caused bydeteriorating water quality

the overgrowth of water plants which have the ability to out compete corals for space , nutrients , and other resources.[13causesthe overgrowth of water plants which have the ability to out compete corals for space , nutrients , and other resources.[13

to algae growthleadsto algae growth

the overgrowth of water plants which have the ability to out compete corals for space , nutrients , and other resourcescausesthe overgrowth of water plants which have the ability to out compete corals for space , nutrients , and other resources

eutrophicationcan causeeutrophication

from sewage run - off or dischargemay resultfrom sewage run - off or discharge

to oxygen depletion in the water ... whichmay leadto oxygen depletion in the water ... which

algae to grow and reproduce very quickly creating a range of ecological problems including fish kills because of toxin productioncausesalgae to grow and reproduce very quickly creating a range of ecological problems including fish kills because of toxin production

economic losses due to impacts on fishing and recreation and other water quality problemsis causingeconomic losses due to impacts on fishing and recreation and other water quality problems

to the massive ' dead zone ' in the Gulf of Mexicocontributingto the massive ' dead zone ' in the Gulf of Mexico


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