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Qaagi - Book of Why



The role of various nicotinic receptor subunits and factorsinfluencingnicotine

in cigarette products(passive) is only discoverednicotine

any personsetsnicotine

in cigarettes(passive) is discoveredThe nicotine

that the companies have figured out a chemical formulato ... causethe nicotine

in numerous kinds , including cigarettes(passive) is discoveredNicotine

in tobacco(passive) is discovered naturallyNicotine

cigarette smoke(passive) is ... composedNicotine

the ways ... addiction is by the release of dopamine , a stimulating neurotransmitter , each time a user puffs on a cigarettecausesnicotine

Replacement Therapy ( NRT(passive) is designedNicotine

in numerous forms , including cigarettes , chewing cigarette , as well as chewing tobacco(passive) is discoveredNicotine

in numerous kinds(passive) is discoveredNicotine

chewing gum [ Nicorette , others(passive) is composedNicotine

| One e - cigarette withleadsnicotine

Folks are drawn to smoking because ofcan inventnicotine

Caffeinecan causenicotine

Not only the smoke butcausesthe nicotine


A reasoncausesnicotine

we triedto paintover the nicotine

in a number of e - cigarette liquids claiming to be free of it(passive) is discoveredNicotine

One e - cigarette withleadsnicotine

of carbon , nitrogen , hydrogen and oxygen(passive) is composedNicotine


The concentrated heat stream of smoke from tobacco productscausesnicotine stomatitis

also(passive) was ... discoveredNicotine

Refuse to smokecan causenicotine stomatitis

researchershave discoverednicotine


People that smokediscoverthe nicotine

naturally(passive) is ... discoveredNicotine

The FDAhas discoverednicotine

The combination of heat and smoke that is unique to smoking tobacco products like pipes and cigars ... the main factorscausenicotine stomatitis

by addiction to it(passive) caused bynicotine

by addiction(passive) caused bynicotine

because they thinkcausesnicotine

Four in 10 smokers thinkcausesnicotine

the tar or toxins tar and carcinogenscausesnicotine

by smoking cigarettes(passive) dependency caused bythe nicotine


cardiovascular effects , such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressurecausescardiovascular effects , such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure

# cancercauses# cancer

dopamine release by binding to nicotinic receptorscausesdopamine release by binding to nicotinic receptors

the addictioncausesthe addiction

a person smokecausesa person smoke

from tobaccooriginatedfrom tobacco

to smoking addictioncontributesto smoking addiction

stains on thecan causestains on the

cigarette addictioncausescigarette addiction

stains oncan causestains on

to a smoking addictionleadsto a smoking addiction

cancer a : no , tar in cigarette smoke causes cancer but , nicotine is an addictive drug it is not the nicotine indoes ... causecancer a : no , tar in cigarette smoke causes cancer but , nicotine is an addictive drug it is not the nicotine in

physical dependencycan causephysical dependency

cigarette cravingscausescigarette cravings

the addiction to cigarettescausesthe addiction to cigarettes

to the taste of cigarettes and the pleasures of smokingcontributesto the taste of cigarettes and the pleasures of smoking

smoking addictioncausessmoking addiction

to a relapse into smokingleadsto a relapse into smoking

you to become addicted to smoking and using NRT lets you reduce the cigarettes you smokecausesyou to become addicted to smoking and using NRT lets you reduce the cigarettes you smoke

to addiction and sleeping problemscan leadto addiction and sleeping problems


in cigarettescausein cigarettes

blood pressure to risecausesblood pressure to rise

to an increased addiction among the users of tobaccohas ledto an increased addiction among the users of tobacco


the release of dopamine in the systemcausesthe release of dopamine in the system

the addiction to tobacco and hence the exposure to the carcinogenscausesthe addiction to tobacco and hence the exposure to the carcinogens

What ... Nicotine ... in tobaccodoes ... causeWhat ... Nicotine ... in tobacco

the blood vessels to constrictcausesthe blood vessels to constrict

from smoking tobaccocan causefrom smoking tobacco

constriction of our blood vessels that causes hypertensioncausesconstriction of our blood vessels that causes hypertension

a cigarettehas can causea cigarette

constriction of your blood vesselscausesconstriction of your blood vessels

addiction to cigarettes and othercausesaddiction to cigarettes and other

people to become addicted to cigarettescausespeople to become addicted to cigarettes

blood vessels vessel constrictioncausesblood vessels vessel constriction

addiction or dependencecan causeaddiction or dependence

addiction and increases abuse potentialcausesaddiction and increases abuse potential

to help people stop smokingare designedto help people stop smoking

addiction to the tobacco productscausesaddiction to the tobacco products


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