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Qaagi - Book of Why



Maternal hyperglycemiacan leadto neonatal hypoglycemia

by Intense Glucose Management in Pregnancy(passive) Caused byNeonatal Hypoglycemia

Excess fetal glyburide dose hyperinsulinemiamay causeneonatal hypoglycemia

Maternal hyperglycemia during labour , even when produced for a few hours by intravenous fluids in mothers without diabetescan causeneonatal hypoglycemia

Excess fetal insulin ( hyperinsulinemiamay causeneonatal hypoglycemia

by Intense Glucose Management(passive) Caused by Neonatal Hypoglycemia

increased insulin production in the fetusresultingin neonatal hypoglycemia

maternal hyperglycemiacausingneonatal hypoglycemia

the fetusresultingneonatal hypoglycemia

Inborn errors of metabolismleadto neonatal hypoglycemia

which factorscontributeto neonatal hypoglycemia

depleted , starvation tendsto causenonketotic , insulinopenic hypoglycemia

Glucose ... the most abundant nutrient crossing the placentacausesmaternal hypoglycemia

the most abundant nutrient crossing the placentacausesmaternal hypoglycemia

may affect 30 to 50 % of the patientscausinghyperinsulinism and neonatal hypoglycemia

gestational diabetesdoes ... causeneonatal hypoglycemia

by deficiency of acyl - CoA dehydrogenase(passive) caused bynonketotic hypoglycemia

Pancreatic cell hyperplasia may affect 30 to 50 % of the patientscausinghyperinsulinism and neonatal hypoglycemia

a number of reasons(passive) can be caused byNeonatal hypoglycemia

Diet control and insulin - treated gestational diabetesleadto neonatal hypoglycemia

sudden inhibition of glycogenolysis(passive) is caused byPostprandial hypoglycemia

When liver carnitine is depleted , starvation tendsto causenonketotic , insulinopenic hypoglycemia

Pre - pregnancy caremight causematernal hypoglycemia

by an insulinoma(passive) is ... causedendogenous hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia

These postprandial insulin surgescausepostprandial hypoglycemia

High dosescan causebronchoconstriction & hypoglycemia

by a number of genetically determined ' inborn errors of metabolism ' of carbohydrate , fatty acids and amino acids(passive) could ... be causedketotic hypoglycemia

a number of genetically determined ' inborn errors of metabolism ' of carbohydrate , fatty acids and amino acids(passive) could ... be caused byketotic hypoglycemia

by increased cellular uptake of glucose(passive) is causedSIRT6-deficiency hypoglycemia

increased cellular uptake of glucose and not by elevated insulin levels or defects in the absorption of glucose from food(passive) is caused bySIRT6-deficiency hypoglycemia

Diseasescan causeneonatal hypoglycemia

other disorderscan contributeto neonatal hypoglycemia

Factorsleadto neonatal hypoglycemia

Mutationscauseneonatal hypoglycemia

Also some researchers saycan causeextreme neonatal hypoglycemia

Causes of Neonatal Hypoglycemia ... various factorscan causeneonatal hypoglycemia

Causes of Hypoglycemia ... various factorscan causeneonatal hypoglycemia

in low blood sugar in the fetuscan resultin low blood sugar in the fetus

if untreatedmay resultif untreated

fetal distresscan causefetal distress

from syndromemay resultfrom syndrome

the changes in this area(passive) to have been caused bythe changes in this area

developmental problems and irreversible brain damagecan causedevelopmental problems and irreversible brain damage

to severe neurological injurymay leadto severe neurological injury

sort term memory loss , periods of confusion or " fog " and even stupor - like states asis causingsort term memory loss , periods of confusion or " fog " and even stupor - like states as

sort term memory loss , periods of confusion or " fog " and even stupor - like statesis causingsort term memory loss , periods of confusion or " fog " and even stupor - like states

some of the symptoms you describe and then adjustment of food and snacks would usually solve the problemmight causesome of the symptoms you describe and then adjustment of food and snacks would usually solve the problem

a stroke , heart attack or exacerbation of ischemic diseasecan causea stroke , heart attack or exacerbation of ischemic disease

vomiting(passive) caused byvomiting

brain damage(passive) caused bybrain damage

from tumors or liver diseasemay resultfrom tumors or liver disease

seizurescan ... causeseizures

severe hypoglycemiamay causesevere hypoglycemia

abnormal myelination in parietal and occipital lobes resulting in parieto - occipital encephalomalaciacan causeabnormal myelination in parietal and occipital lobes resulting in parieto - occipital encephalomalacia

serious damage leading to mentally challenged and epilepsycan causeserious damage leading to mentally challenged and epilepsy

abnormal myelinationcan causeabnormal myelination

Brain damage(passive) caused byBrain damage

brain injury(passive) caused bybrain injury

seizures and other problemscan causeseizures and other problems


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