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Qaagi - Book of Why



of nutritional medicine , herbal medicines , lifestyle advice and health coaching(passive) is composedNaturopathy

to work with this inherent healing ability in a holistic manner to restore balance and harmony to the whole person(passive) is designedNaturopathy

in India(passive) is originatedNaturopathy

the thingssetsNaturopathy

The termoriginatesnaturopathy

harmhas causedharm

from Germany and Europeoriginatedfrom Germany and Europe

and treat the underlying cause of an illness , not just the symptomsto discoverand treat the underlying cause of an illness , not just the symptoms

in Germanyoriginatedin Germany

side effectscan causeside effects

the harm(passive) caused bythe harm

in Germany and Austriaoriginatedin Germany and Austria

no proven deaths or serious injuries(passive) caused byno proven deaths or serious injuries

The term(passive) was inventedThe term


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