the bounce back from themcan causea lot of fly balls
Knotless nylon mesh is used as batting cageto preventballs from flying around
spraypaintthe sweetgum balls
The flour was not pre - mixed with the water before extrusionto preventformation of glutinous balls
before players arrive ~25 hitting stations(passive) will be set~Pyramids of balls
The Tigers ... some pitch - to - contact kindscausea great deal of fly balls
of controlled electrolytic metallic nanostructured material that is lighter than aluminum and stronger than some mild steels(passive) are composedDisintegrating fracturing balls
of 93.7 % carbon and 6.3 % hydrogen(passive) is composedNaphthalene , commonly known as moth balls
If you have woollen clothing that you wo n’t be wearing for a while , you can store balls in airtight plastic bagsto preventmoths from getting to balls
Different structures ... when they are made in a reflectioncreateballs for balls
deathCan ... causedeath
seizures and diarrheacauseseizures and diarrhea
Covid-19 by placing the balls in hot water and inhaling the vapourto preventCovid-19 by placing the balls in hot water and inhaling the vapour
spreading of smellpreventspreading of smell
from the attack of insects With the Naphthalene Ball Making Machineto preventfrom the attack of insects With the Naphthalene Ball Making Machine