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Qaagi - Book of Why



gravity and wind(passive) is primarily influenced bymovement

movers ( things that cause motion(passive) is caused byMovement

A forcecausingmovement

A forcecausingmovement

ways objects move and forcescausemovement

because ; ... ; changes or differences causedto causemovement

dynamic : of force or powercausesmovement

inspiring more peopleto discovermovement

to move the bonesto causemovement

objects move and forcescausemovement

by a Force(passive) caused byMovement


dynamic behavior ( forcescausemovement

the ability ... or the ability to cause something to moveto causemovement

an applied forcecausesmovement

The interaction of the musclescausemovement.

by force(passive) caused byMovement

Another functioninfluencesmovement

a place for the muscles to attach to Moves Muscles act on boneto causemovement

the drive mechanism(passive) may be caused byMovement

That forcecausesmovement



forces in our worldcausemovement

gravity or other forcesmay causemovement

by the force(passive) caused bymovement

the opposition ... a new birthcausesmovement

the Still Point ... the oppositioncausesmovement

The forces on an object are pushing harder in one direction than in anothercausingmovement

make kinetic , general performance and video artto discovermovement

The muscle ... the unit of actioncausesmovement

the actions or forcescausingmovement

The more force on a certain endcausesmovement

force or powercausesmovement

Muscles act on boneto causemovement

Force ... somethingcausesmovement


mechanical changescausesmovement

by another force(passive) caused bymovement

Force will tendto causemovement

movementsreally causesmovements

writing in motionsetswriting in motion

in a change of locationresultsin a change of location

these things to movewill sometimes causethese things to move


towards changes in the traditional image of femininitycontributedtowards changes in the traditional image of femininity

air to movecausesair to move

cracks on the ground at their settlementcausedcracks on the ground at their settlement

in injurycould resultin injury

to changeleadsto change

from an action performed by a moving object itselfcan resultfrom an action performed by a moving object itself

to more movement ( an object in motion stays in motionleadsto more movement ( an object in motion stays in motion

with a group of Paris - based artistsoriginatedwith a group of Paris - based artists

with a group of Paris - based artistsoriginatedwith a group of Paris - based artists

to an increase in positive moodcontributesto an increase in positive mood

to strengthen families one plate of grace at a timedesignedto strengthen families one plate of grace at a time

the following actioncausesthe following action

the other user?s model to move , effectivelycausesthe other user?s model to move , effectively

to get everyone moving and shakingdesignedto get everyone moving and shaking

in a portion of the body being moved forward on a plane parallel to the groundresultsin a portion of the body being moved forward on a plane parallel to the ground


the push towards games and learningis influencingthe push towards games and learning


way to uprisingleadingway to uprising

to help your body move and function betterdesignedto help your body move and function better


increase energy , mobility , and function to the bodydesignedincrease energy , mobility , and function to the body

to give higher choice of mobilitymay be designedto give higher choice of mobility

each mass / object to adjust to its change in position relative to its rest positioncauseseach mass / object to adjust to its change in position relative to its rest position

the workinfluencingthe work

in a portion of the body being moved downward along a frontal planeresultsin a portion of the body being moved downward along a frontal plane

in a portion of the bodyresultsin a portion of the body

the class struggleinfluencethe class struggle

pain(passive) caused bypain

in the rise of Hindu nationalism ... to a significant political force in the Republic of Indiahas resultedin the rise of Hindu nationalism ... to a significant political force in the Republic of India


the device to strike a rigid surfacecausesthe device to strike a rigid surface

the arm to move more like a whipis causingthe arm to move more like a whip

from swift movements of the head towards a certain directionoriginatedfrom swift movements of the head towards a certain direction

the whole gun to movecausingthe whole gun to move


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