ignorance or apathy(passive) caused bysloppiness in speech
an audio codecdesignedspecifically for speech
the muscularis uvula ( the muscle that elevates and retracts the uvula ) , and not the uvula itself , is requiredto preventhypernasality during speech
Refinement in act and wordwill preventcoarseness in speech
Using and expandedsetHMMs for speech
to warn - and calm - them(passive) is designedPoveda 's speech
geography , occupation , age , gender , social status , family history , and more(passive) is influenced byPhilipson 's speech
To learnhow to createspeech with the SP0256-AL2
this program ... the final smaller Ipod size ACC filewill be set/ EQed for Speech
a formatdesignedspecificawwy for speech
people to worship with conductleadpeople to worship with conduct
online controversy ” or somethingcreatesonline controversy ” or something
an atmosphere of fear and intimidation for artists and free thinkerscreatedan atmosphere of fear and intimidation for artists and free thinkers
her from being able to finishpreventingher from being able to finish
branded for the obstacle of livesto preventbranded for the obstacle of lives
into a video presentation that captured the moving story of a former 3d Lacrosse student - athlete whose life was impacted by the Sports Medicine Center and its hard - working staffledinto a video presentation that captured the moving story of a former 3d Lacrosse student - athlete whose life was impacted by the Sports Medicine Center and its hard - working staff
a stir in the audiencecauseda stir in the audience
an uproar in Israel , where some lawmakers and ministers have called for a trial and demanded that he be stripped of his Israeli citizenshiphas causedan uproar in Israel , where some lawmakers and ministers have called for a trial and demanded that he be stripped of his Israeli citizenship