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Qaagi - Book of Why



phosphates deposited in tissues(passive) is caused byLow ATP level

the brainleadsto low ATP

a variety of reasons(passive) can be caused byLow ATP

disruption of glycogen metabolismresultsin low ATP

low COQ10resultsin low ATP

cellular toxicity ... low COQ10resultsin low ATP

cellular toxicityresultsin low ATP

the bacteriacauseslow ATP energy

the resting KATP channel tone in DA neurons(passive) was caused bythe resting KATP channel tone in DA neurons

the resting KATP channel tone in DA neurons(passive) was causedthe resting KATP channel tone in DA neurons

a decline in cognitive function may causea decline in cognitive function

a decline in cognitive functionmay causea decline in cognitive function

to low Glutathione level in the bodyleadsto low Glutathione level in the body

in diminished energyresultin diminished energy

cells to be sickcausecells to be sick

our cells to be sick , and decreases their ability to heal , regenerate , or function properlycauseour cells to be sick , and decreases their ability to heal , regenerate , or function properly

our cells to be sickcauseour cells to be sick

this by not pumping calcium / sodium outcan causethis by not pumping calcium / sodium out

our cells to be sickcausesour cells to be sick

cells to be sick and decrease their ability to heal , regenerate or function properlycausescells to be sick and decrease their ability to heal , regenerate or function properly

cells to be sickcausescells to be sick

cell dysfunctioncan causecell dysfunction

to ( Ca ) influx of calcium and damage of cellular componentsleadsto ( Ca ) influx of calcium and damage of cellular components

in the depolarization of neurons due to the failure of Na / K pumps of the cell membranesresultin the depolarization of neurons due to the failure of Na / K pumps of the cell membranes

from insufficient delivery of nutrient and oxygenmight ... resultfrom insufficient delivery of nutrient and oxygen

to high cAMPleadsto high cAMP

in the depolarization of neuronsresultin the depolarization of neurons

Protracted autophagy(passive) caused byProtracted autophagy


to muscle weakness and painmay contributeto muscle weakness and pain

the effect role of ATP and the ripple effect(passive) caused bythe effect role of ATP and the ripple effect

to or resulted from the development of infectioncontributedto or resulted from the development of infection

to exhaustionleadto exhaustion


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