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Qaagi - Book of Why



I have sleep apneacauseslost of sleep

their sleeping patternresultsin loss of sleep

Night paincausingloss of sleep

by pain(passive) caused byLoss of sleep

Pain is very common at nightleadingto loss of sleep

hundreds of these movementsmay resultin loss of sleep

Some people have hundreds of these movements each nightmay resultin loss of sleep

each nightmay resultin loss of sleep

Restlessness ... a babywill resultin loss of sleep

Changing bedding sheets , clothing and diaperscan causeloss of sleep

Boredomcan causeloss of sleep

At times there is paincausingloss of sleep

Painresultedin loss of sleep

by the nightmares I have(passive) caused bythe loss of sleep

This discomfortcan leadto loss of sleep

other problemsresultingfrom loss of sleep

A sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndromecan leadto loss of sleep

Other thingscauseloss of sleep

Nervous weaknesscan also resultin loss of sleep

Breathing complaintsleadingto loss of sleep

complaintsleadingto loss of sleep

a babyresultingin loss of sleep

Paincausesloss of sleep

Snoringmay resultin loss of sleep

Increased tensioncould leadto loss of sleep

Pain or general discomfortwill causethe loss of sleep

as it may happen throughout the nightcausingloss of sleep

if you can not find a comfortable sleeping position ,resultingin loss of sleep

Often the pain is most severe at nightcausingloss of sleep

Snoringcan resultin loss of sleep

Symptomscauseloss of sleep

stress(passive) can be caused byLoss of sleep

anxietycausesloss of sleep

legscausingloss of sleep

Sometimes painleadsto loss of sleep

Too much caffeine intake , especially before bedtimecan resultin loss of sleep

The anxiety and stress of having bedbugs in the homecan causea loss of sleep

restlessresultsin loss of sleep

They also become hyperactive and restlessresultsin loss of sleep

secondary insomnia ... the usage of alcoholleadsto loss of sleep

to lapses in attentionleadsto lapses in attention

to a decrease in the body?s ability to regulate hungermay leadto a decrease in the body?s ability to regulate hunger

to daytime fatigue and poor functioningleadsto daytime fatigue and poor functioning

in daytime drowsiness and headachesoften resultsin daytime drowsiness and headaches

you to toss and turn all night long ... keeping you awake and unrestedcould causeyou to toss and turn all night long ... keeping you awake and unrested

in daytime drowsiness and headachesoften resultsin daytime drowsiness and headaches

to depression , plus confusionleadsto depression , plus confusion

longer reaction times and increased daytime sleepiness and concentration lapsesresultedlonger reaction times and increased daytime sleepiness and concentration lapses

to depression , weight gain , and mood swingscan leadto depression , weight gain , and mood swings

to trouble in concentrationleadsto trouble in concentration

from restless leg syndromeresultsfrom restless leg syndrome

to daytime sleepiness that can lead to impairment of work performance and drivingmay leadto daytime sleepiness that can lead to impairment of work performance and driving

them to feel sleepy during the dayleadingthem to feel sleepy during the day

in : Daytime fatiguecan resultin : Daytime fatigue

you headaches and sleep deprivationcan causeyou headaches and sleep deprivation

in daytime drowsinesscan resultin daytime drowsiness

depressioncan causedepression


serious issues such as cardiovascular problems , hypertension ( high blood pressure ) , diabetes , excessive daytime sleepiness , problems with concentration and mood changescan causeserious issues such as cardiovascular problems , hypertension ( high blood pressure ) , diabetes , excessive daytime sleepiness , problems with concentration and mood changes

to stressalso leadsto stress

in irritabilitycan resultin irritability

exhaustion and anxietycausesexhaustion and anxiety

horrible fatiguecausedhorrible fatigue

to binge eating and a lack of motivationleadsto binge eating and a lack of motivation

in cases of irritabilitymay resultin cases of irritability

his cortisol levels to risecausedhis cortisol levels to rise

his cortisol levels to rise , his melatonin levels to dip and a disrupted circadian rhythmcausedhis cortisol levels to rise , his melatonin levels to dip and a disrupted circadian rhythm

in the short termcausesin the short term

to headachesleadingto headaches

to mental health concernseven leadingto mental health concerns

an increase in anxiety and stresscausesan increase in anxiety and stress

to increased stresscan leadto increased stress

to impaired performance , errors , added stress , and even depressionleadsto impaired performance , errors , added stress , and even depression

moodiness , loss of attention , and sluggishnesscan causemoodiness , loss of attention , and sluggishness

you to gain weightCould ... be causingyou to gain weight

a loss of productivity , depression andcan causea loss of productivity , depression and

you to lose your reasoning ability or become dangerously disorientedcan causeyou to lose your reasoning ability or become dangerously disoriented

Headache(passive) caused byHeadache

feelings ofcausesfeelings of

to irritability , short attention span and lack of focuscan ... leadto irritability , short attention span and lack of focus


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