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Qaagi - Book of Why



that they are influenced by the rubbing of their wings because of close proximity to eachotherleadingto locust swarms

the main components of the pheromonescauselocust swarming

to creep across the middle east to Israel , Jordan and Lebanon(passive) are setThe locust swarms

Guaiacol ... the main components of the pheromonescauselocust swarming

Guaiacol ... the pheromonescauselocust swarming

the pheromonescauselocust swarming

Guaiacol ... the pheromonescauselocust

rustic outdoor patio furnituresetlocust

for reconnaissance and quick strike missions(passive) was designedLocust

to address that(passive) is designedLOCUST


also(passive) would ... have been causedThe locust swarms

by Josef Cadek(passive) designed byLOCUST

originally(passive) was ... designedLOCUST

w / a budget that does n't exist in today 's market making it the BEST home for someone that appreciates excellence at a fraction of the total cost(passive) was designedLocust

A lifelong love of footballledLocust

when their natural predators were killed as part of the Great Sparrow Campaignwas causedwhen their natural predators were killed as part of the Great Sparrow Campaign

to foodcould leadto food


havocare causinghavoc

food crisiscausefood crisis

such destruction(passive) could be caused bysuch destruction

great devastation to cropscausegreat devastation to crops

farmers great problemsdo ... causefarmers great problems

massive damage tocan causemassive damage to

frightful devastation in our district until 1827causedfrightful devastation in our district until 1827

a plan for scouting locations in South Dakotaseta plan for scouting locations in South Dakota

damage to cropshave causeddamage to crops

in a moderate damage aoe against all party members and petsresultsin a moderate damage aoe against all party members and pets

in a moderate damage aoe against all party members and pets ... usually cast shortly before submergeresultsin a moderate damage aoe against all party members and pets ... usually cast shortly before submerge

damagedo causedamage


the devastation(passive) caused bythe devastation

the damage(passive) caused bythe damage

problems for farmerscauseproblems for farmers

chaos throughout historyhave causedchaos throughout history

massive damage to cropscan causemassive damage to crops


The garden bed at 5:30pm after the clay pipes and(passive) were designedThe garden bed at 5:30pm after the clay pipes and

crops(passive) caused bycrops

massive damage tocan causemassive damage to

chaoshave causedchaos

alsohas ... contributedalso

Backshould ... do ... resultsBack

crops(passive) caused bycrops


$ 200 million in crop damage in Colorado , Kansas , Minnesota , Missouri , and Nebraskacaused$ 200 million in crop damage in Colorado , Kansas , Minnesota , Missouri , and Nebraska

antidotal effectresultsantidotal effect

a masters dance class for middle school studentswill leada masters dance class for middle school students

to Stateleadingto State

The medieval style mansion at 17th and(passive) was designedThe medieval style mansion at 17th and


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