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Qaagi - Book of Why



this disconnection(passive) caused byleft sided apraxia

a severe brain injurycauseda left - sided stroke

Several sensory impairmentscan resultfrom a left - sided stroke

CVD(passive) caused byleft - sided hemiplegia

a small physical strainresultedin a left sided stroke

a right sided herniationcould ... causeleft sided radiculopathy

The upright T waves inleadsleft - sided

Malignancies may affect heart functionalso causingleft - sided

an incompetent gonadal vein(passive) are ... caused byLeft sided varicoceles

The collection of longi- tudinal data on households , whether by utilizing historical sources or through retrospective oral his- toriesleadsleft - sided

in right - sided hemiplegia affecting his balance and mobilityresultingin right - sided hemiplegia affecting his balance and mobility

right sided paralysiscausesright sided paralysis

to right - sided overactivity , hence maniawill leadto right - sided overactivity , hence mania

in right - sided hemiparesis ( weakness ) and aphasia ( language problemsresultedin right - sided hemiparesis ( weakness ) and aphasia ( language problems

difficulty seeing out of the right eye or complete blindnessmay causedifficulty seeing out of the right eye or complete blindness

speech difficultiescan causespeech difficulties

to aphasias — disorders affecting the ability to grasp language or speakcan leadto aphasias — disorders affecting the ability to grasp language or speak

in decreased motor function as well as inattention of his right sideresultingin decreased motor function as well as inattention of his right side

right hemiparesis and aphasiacausingright hemiparesis and aphasia

language problems , a condition known as aphasiacauseslanguage problems , a condition known as aphasia

paralysis of his right sidecausedparalysis of his right side

in right hemiplegia in 1951resultingin right hemiplegia in 1951

with the Pens ' Smooth Ink Penpaintedwith the Pens ' Smooth Ink Pen

significant neurological and brain damagecausingsignificant neurological and brain damage

on a Layer with the Artist 's Oils ' Thick Wet ImpastoPaintedon a Layer with the Artist 's Oils ' Thick Wet Impasto


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