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Qaagi - Book of Why



those guidelines ... a medical emergencycausesleave without pay

Unauthorized absenceswill resultin leave without pay

The failure to report leave by due datesmay resultin leave without pay

Any absences for personal reasons beyond three per yearwill resultin leave without pay

work to do for the rest of the yearmay resultin leave without pay

Failure to notify the appropriate officemay resultin leave without pay

longer lunches than scheduled Unauthorized absenteeismresultsin leave without pay

Failure to produce a doctors notewill resultin leave without pay

Tardinesswill resultin leave without pay

cancels Special Projects Week (resultingin leave without pay

in the conservation(passive) is setthe leave without pay

the new pay typecreatedfor leave without pay

if an employee is unable to provide an acceptable reason for an absencemay also resultif an employee is unable to provide an acceptable reason for an absence

in an overall savings to the universityresultsin an overall savings to the university

in net overtime costs of more than $ 90,000resultedin net overtime costs of more than $ 90,000

up and approvedhas been setup and approved

out lucidly and in peacehave setout lucidly and in peace

forth in College policysetforth in College policy

in termination of resident benefitswill resultin termination of resident benefits

out in the Employment Standards Act for any of the following reasons : personal injury , illness or medical emergency ; the death , sickness , injury or medical emergency of a close relative or dependant ; or an urgent matter concerning a close relative or dependantsetout in the Employment Standards Act for any of the following reasons : personal injury , illness or medical emergency ; the death , sickness , injury or medical emergency of a close relative or dependant ; or an urgent matter concerning a close relative or dependant

andtheneed forwhich isnotanticipatedtocontinueformorethan2yearsexcept forfilling invacancies(passive) created byandtheneed forwhich isnotanticipatedtocontinueformorethan2yearsexcept forfilling invacancies

Habib to attack in responsepromptingHabib to attack in response


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