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Qaagi - Book of Why



also(passive) can ... be causedlapses

Just a slight ignorance , over - confidence or impulsive behaviourcan causelapses

by delays(passive) caused bylapses

often(passive) are ... causedLapses


I continueto discoverlapses

missed premiumscausinglapses

I knowcan causelapses

the stressis causinglapses

by lack of concentration or negative emotional factors(passive) caused bylapses

by the crash(passive) caused bylapses

b ) Confusion about the transitionhas causedlapses

external sources offering gifts or incentives to achieve a desired but potentially undeserving recommendation from the research(passive) may be caused byLapses

by alcoholism(passive) caused bylapses

leakage of power(passive) might be caused bylapses

Police negligenceleadlapses

by lack of sleep etc(passive) caused byLapses

by leakage of power(passive) might be caused bylapses

by nonpayment of premiums(passive) caused bylapses

that placecan causelapses

areaswhere ... are discoveredlapses

Alcoholcan causelapses

A cloud platformcan causelapses

by heavy workload(passive) caused bylapses

being tiredcan ... causelapses

that being tiredcan ... causelapses

Agingcan causelapses


by drivers(passive) caused byLapses


by called weather(passive) caused byLapses

nonpayment of premiums(passive) caused bylapses

these timesetlapses

by sleepiness(passive) caused bylapses

by sleepiness and(passive) caused bylapses

by sleepiness and tiredness(passive) caused bylapses

Integration A cloud platformcan causelapses

by drivers(passive) caused byLapses ...

The NVR ... at timescan causelapses

by the company(passive) caused bylapses

to the incidenthad ledto the incident

in attentioncan resultin attention

to injurycontributeto injury

to a relapsecan leadto a relapse

in coveragemay causein coverage

negative reactionsprovokednegative reactions

from incorrect contact data or communication preferences currently on filemay resultfrom incorrect contact data or communication preferences currently on file

to such incidentsleadingto such incidents

to deadlyledto deadly

in tragedyresultin tragedy

to duplicate paymentsleadingto duplicate payments

to goalsleadto goals

to a relapse ormight leadto a relapse or

tragedymay causetragedy

to goal chancesledto goal chances

from failure of memory such as forgettingresultfrom failure of memory such as forgetting

to mistakeleadto mistake

to the loss of a point or gamecontributeto the loss of a point or game

to usleadingto us

to a lossledto a loss

to relapsesshould ... leadto relapses

in a failure to deliver it in sufficient measureresultingin a failure to deliver it in sufficient measure

up to relapsesleadup to relapses

to relapsesleadto relapses

to abusecan leadto abuse

to the meltdownmay have contributedto the meltdown

to big plays that lost gameshave ledto big plays that lost games

to unnecessary penaltiesleadto unnecessary penalties

to numerous equipment and workplace issuesledto numerous equipment and workplace issues

them goalscausingthem goals

us delays or deliver a package that does not suit your needsmay causeus delays or deliver a package that does not suit your needs

to the crisiscontributedto the crisis

to that accidentledto that accident

to loans with highercould leadto loans with higher

to severe penaltiescould leadto severe penalties

to health problemscan leadto health problems

to surgerycould leadto surgery

to the losscontributedto the loss

to the attackcontributingto the attack

towards this most unfortunate accidentmay have contributedtowards this most unfortunate accident


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