Insufficient time devoted to the project 26 Resources InadequatesettingLack of equipment , facilities
no budget to support itleadingto a lack of equipment
High poverty ratesleadto a lack of equipment
Although Africa has largely been spared the worst excesses of the global pandemic , the continent is suffering from a lack of manufacturing capacityleadingto a lack of equipment
due budget cutsledto a lack of equipment
fundingleadingto a lack of equipment
constant strugglesresultingfrom a lack of equipment
constant struggleresultingfrom a lack of equipment
the occurrence of birth - related accidentsresultfrom a lack of equipment
Amtrak 's systemic safety lapsescausedlack of equipment
inadequacy but also delays and inconveniences in the workcan ... causeinadequacy but also delays and inconveniences in the work
these mistakes(passive) are caused bythese mistakes
to use of lab 's micro - wave generator turned down low as possible to heat pizza - pizza explodesledto use of lab 's micro - wave generator turned down low as possible to heat pizza - pizza explodes
the highest number of stillbirths Expectant mothers sitting on the floor in a labour ward as they await medical attentioncausingthe highest number of stillbirths Expectant mothers sitting on the floor in a labour ward as they await medical attention
to numerous issues by which they may not achieve the desired goalsis leadingto numerous issues by which they may not achieve the desired goals
to imaginative inventionsledto imaginative inventions
use of projectorspreventsuse of projectors
the highest number of stillbirths - Daily Monitor Top women give tips on preparing for your futurecausingthe highest number of stillbirths - Daily Monitor Top women give tips on preparing for your future
to rate increases on exports and difficulty securing containers , especially on short noticeis contributingto rate increases on exports and difficulty securing containers , especially on short notice
the bloody incidentcan preventthe bloody incident
you from spending the night ( or twopreventyou from spending the night ( or two
issues for the 4th gradershas createdissues for the 4th graders
them from scaling up | Fresh Business Thinkinghas preventedthem from scaling up | Fresh Business Thinking
to low amount of goods produced Three - Field system system of agricultural cultivation by the 9th century in western Europeledto low amount of goods produced Three - Field system system of agricultural cultivation by the 9th century in western Europe
to the cancellation of 66 operations in Dumfries and Galloway in the last two yearsledto the cancellation of 66 operations in Dumfries and Galloway in the last two years