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Qaagi - Book of Why



too little iron in your diet(passive) can be caused byIron Iron deficiency

Lack of potassiumcausesiron deficiency

by lack of food that contains enough iron(passive) caused byiron deficiency

lack of food that contains enough iron(passive) caused byiron deficiency

lack of Iron(passive) is caused byIron Deficiency

a lack of copper , necessary for iron absorption(passive) can be caused byIron deficiency

A lack of ironcan causeiron deficiency

Excess coppermay causeiron deficiency

Inadequate dietary ironcausesiron deficiency

Lack of ironcan causeiron deficiency

when the body has an insufficient supply of iron(passive) is causedIron Deficiency

Lack of iron in the dietleadsIron deficiency

inadequate dietary intake(passive) can be caused byIron deficiency

malnutrition(passive) is caused byIron deficiency

by a lack of iron or poor absorption of iron(passive) caused byIron - Deficiency

inadequate dietary intake , impaired absorption of iron , or increased loss of iron from the body(passive) is caused byIron deficiency

lack of dietary iron(passive) may also be caused byIron deficiency

due to impaired absorption or insufficient dietary iron supplement(passive) is causedIron deficiency

mainly(passive) is ... causedIron deficiency

lack of iron in the daily meal , an inability to(passive) can be caused byIron deficiency

Insufficient intake of ironcan causeiron deficiency

too little iron in the diet(passive) is caused byIron deficiency

by the loss of [ [ ferritin(passive) caused byiron ] ] deficiency

anemia(passive) caused byIron deficiency Iron deficiency

A lack of red blood cellscausesiron deficiency

loss of(passive) can be caused byIron deficiency

insufficient dietary intake of iron(passive) is most often caused byIron deficiency

an inadequate amount of iron in the diet or by a health problem called anemia(passive) can be caused byIron deficiency

malabsorption of iron from copper deficiencycausesiron deficiency

copper deficiencycausesiron deficiency

loss of blood due to some internal bleeding , inadequate diet , etc(passive) is ... caused byIron deficiency

Excess zincmay causeiron deficiency

loss of blood(passive) is caused byIron deficiency

A failure to absorb iron or insufficient absorption of iron in the dietwould causeiron deficiency

not eating enough iron in your diet(passive) is caused byIron deficiency

an inadequacy of whichmay promptiron deficiency

a gene mutationcausesiron deficiency

poor absorption and excessive loss of the mineral , including blood loss(passive) can also be caused byIron deficiency

by excessive manganese(passive) caused byiron - deficiency

excess of zinc(passive) can also be caused byIron deficiency

severe fatigue , body weakness , and other health ailmentsmay often causesevere fatigue , body weakness , and other health ailments

anemia(passive) caused byanemia

to anemia and excessive tirednessleadsto anemia and excessive tiredness

to anemialeadingto anemia

to anemia and impaired intellectual performanceleadsto anemia and impaired intellectual performance

anemia , weakness , and impaired immunitycausesanemia , weakness , and impaired immunity

anemiamay causeanemia

fatigue , physical weakness , and a compromised immune systemcausesfatigue , physical weakness , and a compromised immune system

in a low number of red blood cells ( anemiaresultsin a low number of red blood cells ( anemia

anemia , dizziness , weakness , extreme fatigue , pale skin , chest pain , poor appetite , and cold feet and handscausesanemia , dizziness , weakness , extreme fatigue , pale skin , chest pain , poor appetite , and cold feet and hands

Anemia(passive) is caused byAnemia

to anemia , lack of appetite , weakness , tiredness , etcleadsto anemia , lack of appetite , weakness , tiredness , etc

anemiamight causeanemia

feeling of tiredness , lack of energy and anemiamight causefeeling of tiredness , lack of energy and anemia

to anemiamay leadto anemia

to symptoms including extreme fatigue , weakness , pale skin and headachescan leadto symptoms including extreme fatigue , weakness , pale skin and headaches

anemia and weaknesscausesanemia and weakness

tiredness and anemiacausestiredness and anemia

to fatigue , bad work performance , and low immunity in the bodyleadsto fatigue , bad work performance , and low immunity in the body

in anemiamay resultin anemia

to anemia , which causes fatigue , weakness , and dizzinesscan leadto anemia , which causes fatigue , weakness , and dizziness

to a lack of red blood cells , causing anemia , weakness , and a variety of other health problemsleadsto a lack of red blood cells , causing anemia , weakness , and a variety of other health problems

anemia , weakness , paleness , tiredness , headaches , tongue and throat ache , and palpitationscausesanemia , weakness , paleness , tiredness , headaches , tongue and throat ache , and palpitations

anemia and resultmight causeanemia and result

low energy , fatigue , and irritabilitymay causelow energy , fatigue , and irritability

a condition in which the body has a lack of red blood cells(passive) is caused bya condition in which the body has a lack of red blood cells

to fatigue , dizzinesscan leadto fatigue , dizziness

to anemia , sluggishness , and learning problemscan leadto anemia , sluggishness , and learning problems

to weakness , hair loss , anxiety , irritability , depressioncan leadto weakness , hair loss , anxiety , irritability , depression

to anaemia ( too few red blood cellscan leadto anaemia ( too few red blood cells

to anemia and fatiguewill leadto anemia and fatigue

to anemia , altered immunity , impaired learning and weaknesscan leadto anemia , altered immunity , impaired learning and weakness


anemia and lead to signs like fatiguemay causeanemia and lead to signs like fatigue

to anaemia which causes fatigue and malnutritionleadsto anaemia which causes fatigue and malnutrition

anemia or weaknesscausinganemia or weakness

to anaemia and fatiguemay leadto anaemia and fatigue

the anemia(passive) caused bythe anemia

from causes including inadequate iron intake in the diet or from poor absorption of ironmay resultfrom causes including inadequate iron intake in the diet or from poor absorption of iron

low immunity levels and anemiacauseslow immunity levels and anemia


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