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Qaagi - Book of Why



when ... falls down a stairway or lands on another objectcausinginjury to the vertebrae

by stresses on the muscles and ligaments that support the spine , or the effects of aging(passive) often caused byInjury Degeneration of vertebrae

My fallcausedinjury in the vertebrae

to changes in the curvature of the spinecan leadto changes in the curvature of the spine

in fracture of body ofmay resultin fracture of body of

immense painmay causeimmense pain

in pressure change , damage or curvature of the spineresultsin pressure change , damage or curvature of the spine

in paralysiscan resultin paralysis

a variety of issuesmight causea variety of issues

in a person becoming paralyzedwill ... resultin a person becoming paralyzed

the body(passive) caused bythe body

in an abnormal curvature of the spinal columnadditionally resultsin an abnormal curvature of the spinal column

an abnormal curve of the vertebraealso causesan abnormal curve of the vertebrae

Back pain(passive) may be caused byBack pain

chronic pain , loss of motor function , and debilitationcan causechronic pain , loss of motor function , and debilitation

in a strange curvature of the vertebraealso resultsin a strange curvature of the vertebrae

in various complications and a restricted movement like pain , numbnesscan resultin various complications and a restricted movement like pain , numbness


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