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Qaagi - Book of Why



Sciaticaresultsfrom sciatic nerve damage

one leg ... sciatica or a leg injurycauseddamage to the sciatic nerve

Herniated disccausingdamage to sciatic nerve

sciatica ... both of whichcan causesciatic nerve impingement

This conditioncan causedamage to the sciatic nerve

herniated or bulging discs in the lower back(passive) is often caused bySciatic nerve damage

your slip and fall accidentcausedsciatic nerve damage

by a car accident(passive) caused bySciatic nerve damage

when there has been incorrect or prolonged positioning of a patient during surgery mainly whilst on their side(passive) are caused most commonlySciatic nerve injuries

Spanking of the buttockscan causedamage to the sciatic nerve

Injections in the child 's buttockscan causesciatic nerve injuries

by an ill - advised injection of quinine into her gluteus muscle(passive) was caused bysciatic nerve injury

Trauma , entrapment and ischemiacan causesciatic nerve damage

an extended period of time oncausessciatic nerve damage

by the shot(passive) caused bysciatic nerve damage

by fractures of bones , surgery , injections(passive) caused byInjury to sciatic nerve

things that put pressure on the nerve(passive) is caused by Injury to the sciatic nerve

things that put pressure on the nerve(passive) is caused byInjury to the sciatic nerve

a condition ... and irritation from increased movement of the disc due to wear and tearcan leadto sciatic nerve injuries

by the injection(passive) caused bysciatic nerve damage

the injection(passive) caused bysciatic nerve damage

occasionally(passive) is ... causedSciatic nerve damage

by the neurological being(passive) to be caused bysciatic nerve

Tumors in the spine areamay also causesciatic nerve injury

by pelvis fracture(passive) caused bythe sciatic nerve injuries

compression of the nerve(passive) may be caused bySciatic nerve damage

muscle tightness and stiffnessis causingimpingement of the sciatic nerve

a complex right hip fractureresultedin injury to the sciatic nerve

by pressure being placed on the sciatic nerve(passive) caused bySciatic nerve injury muscle

by intramuscular injections into the gluteal region with recommendations that gluteal or caudal thigh regions are not used for intramuscular injection in thin or young animals(passive) can be caused bysciatic nerve damage

by intramuscular injections(passive) can be causedsciatic nerve damage

intramuscular injections into the gluteal region with recommendations that gluteal or caudal thigh regions are not used for intramuscular injection in thin or young animals(passive) can be caused bysciatic nerve damage

that the injection was improperly administeredresultingin a sciatic nerve injury

i m injectionledto sciatic nerve injury

minor and major aspectscausesciatic nerve discomfort

the hipresultedin sciatic nerve injury

the bullet lodging into his hipcausingsciatic nerve injury

Hip joint dislocations , in 20 percent casesmay causesciatic nerve injury

your lower back painresultingfrom sciatic nerve injury

by a femur(passive) caused bysciatic nerve injury

Sciatica(passive) is caused bySciatica

Sciatic nerve pain , sometimes referred to as sciatica(passive) is caused bySciatic nerve pain , sometimes referred to as sciatica

the leg(passive) caused bythe leg

pain and inflammationcausespain and inflammation

the back and legs(passive) caused bythe back and legs

at timesmay ... resultat times

at timesmay ... leadat times

the characteristic pain of sciaticacan causethe characteristic pain of sciatica

in leg pain or sciatica pain with tingling , numbness and weaknessresultingin leg pain or sciatica pain with tingling , numbness and weakness

in leg pain or sciatica painresultingin leg pain or sciatica pain

Sciatica(passive) is caused bySciatica

pain that runs down the outer thigh or down the back of the leg and is referred to as sciaticafrequently causespain that runs down the outer thigh or down the back of the leg and is referred to as sciatica

The shooting pain down the leg(passive) is caused byThe shooting pain down the leg

severe pain and muscle spasmscausessevere pain and muscle spasms

sometimescan ... resultsometimes

significant disabilitycan causesignificant disability

permanent nerve damagecan causepermanent nerve damage

an inability to flex the foot upwards ... and also reduce the knee - jerk reflexcan causean inability to flex the foot upwards ... and also reduce the knee - jerk reflex

low back paincould causelow back pain

lower back painmay causelower back pain

serious disabilitycauseserious disability

weakness in the lower legmay causeweakness in the lower leg

weaknessmay causeweakness

a permanent problemwill causea permanent problem

Bellard S. Chronic sciatic pain(passive) caused byBellard S. Chronic sciatic pain

a tingling or numbing sensation along the nerve pathwayto causea tingling or numbing sensation along the nerve pathway

from disc herniationresultedfrom disc herniation

from fractures of the pelvis or femur or from pelvic tumourscan resultfrom fractures of the pelvis or femur or from pelvic tumours

pain to travel from your lower back to your feetcausespain to travel from your lower back to your feet

in either the sacral , lumbar or mixed lumbosacral area of the spinemay originatein either the sacral , lumbar or mixed lumbosacral area of the spine

in secondary muscular atrophycould resultin secondary muscular atrophy

pain from the low back to the posterior leg and foot or only in the back of the legcan causepain from the low back to the posterior leg and foot or only in the back of the leg

pain(passive) caused bypain

in either the sacral , lumbar or combined lumbosacral area of the spinemight originatein either the sacral , lumbar or combined lumbosacral area of the spine

from a variety of causescan resultfrom a variety of causes

From Myositis Ossificans TraumaticaResultingFrom Myositis Ossificans Traumatica

shooting pain ... numbness , tingling , cramping and other sensations in the leg areacausesshooting pain ... numbness , tingling , cramping and other sensations in the leg area


in frequent leg ... lower back and neck pain or tinglingresultsin frequent leg ... lower back and neck pain or tingling

from a stretch injuryCan resultfrom a stretch injury


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