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Qaagi - Book of Why



dozen Washington wolf killingsparksrebukes ... controversy

These four evangelist rank ministers in God ’s Church ... Just before the January , 1978 , conference I was determinedto preventdoctrinal controversy

a problem with the headline ... because it is designedto createmisguided controversy

the subject of Chinese opium use in 19th century North Americacan causeunease controversy

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson ’s advice to the Queen that she prorogue Parliament for several weekshas sparkedvociferous controversy

rise ... flashpointscould sparkideological controversy

destinedto provokeembittered controversy

The current renovationtriggeredtumultuous controversy

our decision to close the forums on RichardDawkins.net(passive) caused byRDFThe controversy

The lawsparkedvitriolic controversy

our Chinese Crest ad , running at the time in mainstream transit shelters in Richmond BCprovokedunanticipated controversy

the years ahead may be challenging – reconciling the often competing needs of Recreation , Farming and Nature – will no doubt continueto causeconsternation & controversy

Decades ago Hiroshima Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbadprovokedfervent controversy

Their cupdesignsengender controversy

Day without Woman ” strikecausesCHCCS controversy

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. talked about removing up to 1,100 treescreatingpained controversy

Rosalía ’s Best Latin Win at the 2019 MTV VMAsIs CausingControversy – Alsiasi

To A “ Fix ” Los Angeles Times , The Tech Trade , VentureBeat , Ars Technica , Computerworld , MacRumorsLeadsTo A “ Fix ” Los Angeles Times , The Tech Trade , VentureBeat , Ars Technica , Computerworld , MacRumors


much confusion for many believershas causedmuch confusion for many believers

the ongoing political tensions(passive) caused bythe ongoing political tensions

to profound reflection among Byzantine Christians on the theology of the iconledto profound reflection among Byzantine Christians on the theology of the icon

images(passive) provoked byimages


a schism between the Nestorians and western Christians in the 5th centurycauseda schism between the Nestorians and western Christians in the 5th century

the first really systematic treatment of what was supposed to be going on ... in both the painting and the veneration of iconspromptedthe first really systematic treatment of what was supposed to be going on ... in both the painting and the veneration of icons

so much tension and hatred within the Churchcausedso much tension and hatred within the Church

from rancid Star Kist tunaresultingfrom rancid Star Kist tuna

furoreis creatingfurore

consternation in the administrative assistant ranks as well as the professionalshas causedconsternation in the administrative assistant ranks as well as the professionals

to political crisescould ... leadto political crises

the frictions(passive) created bythe frictions

a wider examination of an apparent culture of sexism at the BBC in past decades that may have fed into abusive behaviorhas prompteda wider examination of an apparent culture of sexism at the BBC in past decades that may have fed into abusive behavior

to split and formation of Willesden Christian Fellowship ( see belowledto split and formation of Willesden Christian Fellowship ( see below

the apostles and elderspromptedthe apostles and elders

pharmacists , a valtrex use in pregnancy remittancepreventspharmacists , a valtrex use in pregnancy remittance

issues(passive) caused byissues

to the division between Byzantium and the westcontributed still furtherto the division between Byzantium and the west


to the withdrawal of ministersledto the withdrawal of ministers

on Tuesdaysparkedon Tuesday

only for publicityWas ... createdonly for publicity

to record viewsleadsto record views

little concern at SonFest | Lakeholm Viewer October 10 , 2014causeslittle concern at SonFest | Lakeholm Viewer October 10 , 2014

on June 2 , 2014Createdon June 2 , 2014

curvature cusp describe diastole disease downstream dynamic elucidate employed endothelial engineering environmentalcreatedcurvature cusp describe diastole disease downstream dynamic elucidate employed endothelial engineering environmental

to Jyodiraditya Scindialeadsto Jyodiraditya Scindia

To Chittor BandhLeadsTo Chittor Bandh


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