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Qaagi - Book of Why



to amuse the listener(passive) is designedHumor


often(passive) is ... discoveredHumor


Someonejust discoveredhumor


Anyonecan contributehumor

by culture(passive) is influenced byHumour

culture(passive) is influenced byHumor

The Oneinventedhumor

I believeinventedhumor

me knowdiscoverhumor

the leftinventedhumor

This threadcontributedhumor

you thinkinventedhumor

powerto discoverhumor


Jesus(passive) was invented byHumor

That was meantto provokehumor

wind(passive) can be caused byHumor

to twist dark and painful subjects into something we can see beyond(passive) is designedHumor

As an alternative , check outto discoverhumor

to open your mind(passive) is designedhumor


Often , the same situations are usedto causehumor

I thoughthad inventedhumor


the very reasonwas inventedhumor

A joke exists , we might assumeprimarily to provokehumour

An extra challenge to any jokesteris composinghumor

that uses sarcasmto causehumor

a joke ... that uses sarcasmto causehumor

in everything under the sun(passive) can be discoveredHumor

the sudden collision of two previously unrelated themes(passive) is caused byHumor

Their modern speech and knowledgewill causehumor

to help us get out of any bad and even terrible situation(passive) is designedHumor

your wordscausedhumor

one last treasurediscoveredhumor

to japan and details(passive) is designedHumor

our lives and circumstances(passive) is so much influenced byHumor

in laughteroften resultsin laughter

to smiles and laughterleadsto smiles and laughter

to happinessleadsto happiness

the wayis leadingthe way

laughter and amusementprovokeslaughter and amusement

happinesscan causehappiness



the moodsetsthe mood


to tearsleadsto tears

to make you laughdesignedto make you laugh

to improved productivityleadsto improved productivity

to uplift the spirit , and to warm the souldesignedto uplift the spirit , and to warm the soul

in spontaneous laughter or perhaps a smile for the less impulsiveshould resultin spontaneous laughter or perhaps a smile for the less impulsive

to funleadsto fun

to hopeactually leadsto hope

from a peculiar and unexpected insight , a cleverness that takes us by surpriseoften resultsfrom a peculiar and unexpected insight , a cleverness that takes us by surprise


laughter ... with no intention to suggest that it is the only causecan causelaughter ... with no intention to suggest that it is the only cause

with no intention to suggest that it is the only causecan causewith no intention to suggest that it is the only cause

laughtercan causelaughter

the marketalways leadsthe market

serious thoughts without being too weird or too bittercan provokeserious thoughts without being too weird or too bitter

laughteralways causeslaughter

to build up connections between Them and Usis designedto build up connections between Them and Us

from the contrast between a thing as it isresultsfrom the contrast between a thing as it is

to my total well - beingcontributesto my total well - being

to confront that anxietydesignedto confront that anxiety

you free in many wayswill setyou free in many ways

your audience to a common ground of understandingleadsyour audience to a common ground of understanding


to make people thinkdesignedto make people think


yourself apart by using humor in your initial commentsSetyourself apart by using humor in your initial comments

to seeing problems from different anglesleadsto seeing problems from different angles

us to cringecausesus to cringe

to a feeling of strength and pleasurecontributesto a feeling of strength and pleasure

to the dissolution of many daily problemsoften leadsto the dissolution of many daily problems

your audience to a typical ground of understandingleadsyour audience to a typical ground of understanding


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