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Qaagi - Book of Why



by unspecified fire(passive) caused byAccident ... Home

by explosive material(passive) caused byAccident ... Home

by negligence(passive) caused bya home accident

by sudden impacts or collisions Us(passive) caused byhome Accident

Case , you might have posted here below aboutcausedaccident Home

when you meet an accidentcausedaccident Home

This negligence goes an extended thanksto causehome accident

it doesn?t liketo causea home accident

by carelessness(passive) caused bya home accident

handled properlycan causea home accident

often(passive) are ... causedHome accident

most likelyto causea home accident

when they find outcauseaccident Home

in a large cut to my handresultedin a large cut to my hand

a strained anklecausesa strained ankle

in the tearing of the quadriceps tendons on both kneesresultedin the tearing of the quadriceps tendons on both knees

severe burns and placed his daughter , Taylor Campbell , in their carecausedsevere burns and placed his daughter , Taylor Campbell , in their care

a one week hospital stayresulteda one week hospital stay

in lifelong brain traumaresultedin lifelong brain trauma

About half of all injuries requiring treatment(passive) are caused byAbout half of all injuries requiring treatment

backups in North Augustacausesbackups in North Augusta

in losing a fingertipresultedin losing a fingertip

blindness but that?s only a temporary setbackcausesblindness but that?s only a temporary setback


severe burnscausedsevere burns


to nothing but providing basicleadsto nothing but providing basic

in his deathresultedin his death


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