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Qaagi - Book of Why




the headcausedHeadache

by dehydration in body(passive) may be caused Headache

a disturbance of the pain - sensitive structures in the head(passive) is caused byHeadache

Occasionally stresscausesheadache

various triggers(passive) can be caused byHeadache

by head lesions(passive) caused byHeadache

by a tumour in the head(passive) caused byheadache

Noise and sudden movements of the headalso causesheadache

by a specific disease(passive) caused byheadache

due to the disturbance with pain - sensitive structures in the head(passive) is also causedHeadache

irritation or injury(passive) is caused byHeadache

There is sudden rush of blood towards the headcausingheadache

sudden rush of blood towards the headcausingheadache

Caffeine lackmay causeheadache

by neck(passive) caused byHeadache

my headcan causeheadache

sometimes due to the inflammation of the blood vessels in the head(passive) is causedHeadache

by a medication or illness(passive) caused byHeadache

Top EYE HEADACHES Eye - straincausesheadache

the particular side of headcan causeheadache

by tumors - Headaches caused by inflammation and infection - Headaches caused by bleeding Headaches For organic diseases that affect the body in general(passive) caused byHeadache

the headcan causeheadache


Secondary headaches ... another health disordercausesheadache

Spasm in the arteries in the head or neckcausesheadache

by medication side effects(passive) caused by Headache

the blood ... the headcausesheadache


Stress can induce many contractions on the muscles on the headthereby causingheadache

an increase of pressure inside your head(passive) can be caused ByHeadache

by Stress and Anxiety Stress(passive) Caused byHeadache

my paincausesheadache

neckcan causeheadache

by Migraine Medication overuse headache ( MOH ) Tension - type headache(passive) caused byHeadache

conflicts between blood vessels and veins in the brain(passive) caused byHeadache

headaches what medicine is in viagra ... does viagracauseheadache

by stress or migraine(passive) caused byheadache

dilation of blood vessels in the head(passive) is caused byHeadache

by stiff neck(passive) caused byheadache


a lot of sufferingcan causea lot of suffering

to frustrationleadto frustration

paincan causepain

neck paincan causeneck pain

in the mindoriginatein the mind

pain in the head , face , or upper neckcausepain in the head , face , or upper neck

in pain in the rear of the head and neckresultingin pain in the rear of the head and neck

major disruptioncan causemajor disruption

from the necksometimes originatefrom the neck

NauseaDo ... CauseNausea

heart paincan causeheart pain

many different types of symptomscausemany different types of symptoms

The pain(passive) caused byThe pain

anywhere in the head or neckcan originateanywhere in the head or neck

ongoing issuescausingongoing issues

from too little sleepcan resultfrom too little sleep

from the base of your skull and continuing to the front of your foreheadoriginatingfrom the base of your skull and continuing to the front of your forehead

nauseacan causenausea

due to expansion in blood vesselsresultdue to expansion in blood vessels

from poor sleep or high stress levelsoften resultfrom poor sleep or high stress levels

chronic painare causingchronic pain

at the base of your skulloriginateat the base of your skull

pain that suggest that you are having some health issueoften causepain that suggest that you are having some health issue

due to an excess of blood in the headresultdue to an excess of blood in the head

The suffering , pain and strife(passive) caused byThe suffering , pain and strife

from hormonal fluctuationscan resultfrom hormonal fluctuations

to migrainesleadto migraines

from tightoriginatingfrom tight

in the neckoriginatein the neck

from injuries to the head , neckresultfrom injuries to the head , neck

to my moodcontributesto my mood

a major factor in pain(passive) caused bya major factor in pain

you to feel miserablecausesyou to feel miserable

from involvement of the skull and facial bonesresultfrom involvement of the skull and facial bones

to auditory disturbancesmay contributeto auditory disturbances

from tension and pain in the neck and shoulderscan resultfrom tension and pain in the neck and shoulders

from both stress and muscle tensioncan resultfrom both stress and muscle tension

me to take strong pain relievers dailywere leadingme to take strong pain relievers daily

pain around the head , face , neck and shoulder regionmay causepain around the head , face , neck and shoulder region


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