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Qaagi - Book of Why



Another hail stormhas causedhavoc

a little over two inches , just enoughto causehavoc

Wild weatherhas causedhavoc

The wind is goingto causehavoc

region Heavy winds , rain and hailhave causedhavoc

a bad stormcauseshavoc

THE weather continuesto causehavoc

Floods and very bad hail stormsare causinghavoc

Storm continuesto causehavoc

one sudden breeze would?vecausedhavoc

some powerful wind and rainscausinghavoc

like this storm is goingto causehavoc

The wild weather and strong windhas causedhavoc

This group is goingto causehavoc

Like a hurricane , it threatenedto causehavoc

The weather peoplecausehavoc

A big stormcauseshavoc

Well Dave , hackers just liketo causehavoc

floods and windsare causinghavoc

The change in weatheris causinghavoc

Wild weathercausedhavoc

Small oneis causinghavoc

The wet and wild weatherhas been causinghavoc

the weather ... likelyto causehavoc

Hail stormcauseshavoc

Storm and raincausedhavoc

another Monster roaming aroundcausinghavoc

The weather systemsare causinghavoc

a severe stormhas causedhavoc

hit as a storm reaching hurricane level in some parts ... thecausedhavoc

A severe stormcauseshavoc

Natural disasters such as hurricanes and floodscausehavoc

This weather changeis causinghavoc

A sudden stormcan causehavoc

Snow , hail , heavy rain and strong windscausedhavoc

after last week?s storm continuedto causehavoc

like this alien guy is tryingto causehavoc

Strong winds and flooding rainhave causedhavoc

That front four is goingto causehavoc

A cat - like creature gets loose on the Enterprisecausinghavoc

the stuffcan causethe stuff

chaos causingchaos

widespread floodingcausingwidespread flooding

in this water're causingin this water

chaos and destructionare there causingchaos and destruction

to uncertaintyleadsto uncertainty

on their bodycan causeon their body

at Nearby ResortsCausedat Nearby Resorts

One human(passive) being causedOne human

in the statecausedin the state


from thick fogcan also resultfrom thick fog

in their operationscould resultin their operations


the listto causethe list

> > everywherecause> > everywhere

great destruction 3causedgreat destruction 3

in more problemswill resultin more problems

massive damage and floodingcausingmassive damage and flooding


in a mountain of crumpled tissues and eyesresultsin a mountain of crumpled tissues and eyes

what havoc ... you ... on your trainare ... causingwhat havoc ... you ... on your train

these 2could causethese 2

to the speciescausedto the species

to catastrophic issuescan leadto catastrophic issues

depression and morecausingdepression and more

to mass casualtiesleadingto mass casualties

potentially fatal attention from authoritative forcescan provokepotentially fatal attention from authoritative forces

to public distrustcan leadto public distrust

The floodscausedThe floods

for the processcan resultfor the process


in some patients with this drugcausedin some patients with this drug

in lost trekkersresultsin lost trekkers

in ( among other catastrophes ) power outages , including damage to a back - up generator at a prestigious New York City hospital ... causing them to have to relocate all their patients by ambulance to other hospitalshas resultedin ( among other catastrophes ) power outages , including damage to a back - up generator at a prestigious New York City hospital ... causing them to have to relocate all their patients by ambulance to other hospitals

in ( among other catastrophes ) power outages , including damage to a back - up generator at a prestigious New York City hospitalhas resultedin ( among other catastrophes ) power outages , including damage to a back - up generator at a prestigious New York City hospital

to long term damagecan leadto long term damage

all sorts of trauma that affects them allcausedall sorts of trauma that affects them all

my broken handscausedmy broken hands

them to swell and eventually crack the surfacecan causethem to swell and eventually crack the surface


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