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Qaagi - Book of Why



various green house gases in the atmosphere(passive) is caused byGreenhouse effect

by rising CO2 levels(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

Carbon emissionsare causinggreenhouse effect

gasescausegreenhouse effect

by the green house gases(passive) caused byGreenhouse effect

The enhanced , or acceleratedis causinggreenhouse effect

by emissions of greenhouse gases(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

Greenhouse gasescauseGreenhouse Effect

by human activities(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

by the increase in GHG;s in the atmosphere(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

greenhouse gases(passive) is caused byGreenhouse effect

CO2causesgreenhouse effect

Humancausedgreenhouse effect

by the trapping of heat in our atmosphere(passive) is caused byGreenhouse effect

fossil fuelscausingGreenhouse effect

by man(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

Increased level of CO2causesgreenhouse effect

Heat trapped by cloudscausinggreenhouse effect

by CO2 emissions(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

carbon dioxidecausesgreenhouse effect

increased concentration of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere(passive) is mainly caused byGreenhouse effect

the problem ... the CO2causesgreenhouse effect

the carbon dioxidecausinggreenhouse effect

Humancausedgreenhouse effect

B ) Air pollution / CO2was causingGreenhouse effect

the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere(passive) is caused byGreenhouse Effect

gas emissionscausinggreenhouse effect

Air pollution / CO2was causingGreenhouse effect

by greenhouse gases that we humans put into the atmosphere(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

human activity(passive) is caused byGreenhouse Effect

carbon dioxide and water vaporcausedgreenhouse effect

the most common gascontributinggreenhouse effect

by combustion of fossil fuels(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

by naturally occurring greenhouse gases(passive) caused byGreenhouse effect

parallel changes in climateis causinggreenhouse effect

Global warming ... the earth?s average atmospheric temperature that causes parallel changes in climateis causinggreenhouse effect

CO2 emittingto causegreenhouse effect

Increase of carbon dioxide gasmainly causegreenhouse effect

Greenhouse gas iscausesgreenhouse effect

by the increase of carbon dioxide emitted by man made [ 2(passive) caused bygreenhouse effect

to global warmingleadsto global warming

to global warming , i.e. , an overall increase in the average temperature of the Earthmay leadto global warming , i.e. , an overall increase in the average temperature of the Earth

that temperature become highercan resultthat temperature become higher

from human activitiesresultingfrom human activities

to the global warmingleadsto the global warming

to global warming which can cause many changes in our naturewill leadto global warming which can cause many changes in our nature

to global warmingcan leadto global warming

to global warming and climate changewill leadto global warming and climate change

from anthropogenic activityresultingfrom anthropogenic activity

excessive heat to build up in the earths atmosphere causing global warming and affects the environment and healthcausesexcessive heat to build up in the earths atmosphere causing global warming and affects the environment and health


to global warmingcontributeto global warming

the warming condition on the earth?s surfacecausesthe warming condition on the earth?s surface

to global warmingis leadingto global warming

natural imbalancecausesnatural imbalance

to an ? evolutionarywill simply leadto an ? evolutionary

the melting of polar icecausesthe melting of polar ice

in a hot carcausedin a hot car


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