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Qaagi - Book of Why



by scattered light(passive) caused byGlare

by scattered light(passive) caused byglare Glare

Eye glassescauseglare

The sunwill causeglare

light(passive) is caused byGlare

by my light(passive) caused byglare

they scatter more lightcausingglare

the light from the windowis causingglare

by reflective light(passive) caused byglare

The sunlightwas causingglare

by reflection between lens(passive) caused byGlare

light wavecausesglare

the excessive brightness of the lamp(passive) is caused byGlare

by excessive direct sunlight(passive) caused byglare

The lightmay causeglare

more lightcausingGlare

this type of lightcausesglare

by overhead lighting(passive) caused byglare

the lens ... direct lightmay causeglare

too brightto causeglare

by headlights or bright sunlight(passive) caused byGlare

The eyewear ... bright conditionsmay ... causeglare

the horizontal lightcausesglare

by smooth surfaces such as glass , water , paper & metallic(passive) caused byglare

by smooth surfaces such as glass , water , paper & metallic objects(passive) caused byglare

water and snow(passive) caused byglare

lightto causeglare

that reflects lightto causeglare

by light from above or the side(passive) caused byglare

A reflection of the lightcan easily causeglare

a reflection of light on(passive) is caused byGlare

by unwanted light(passive) caused byglare

high - angle front light(passive) is caused byGlare

Both the sun and any reflective object in the viewcan causeglare

by the reflection in the field of vision(passive) caused by Glare

when light , which travels in all directions , hits a horizontal , reflective surface ( like snow , water , windshields , etc).(passive) is causedGlare

The high ray of lightcan causeglare

by light(passive) caused byGlare

by the back glass cover(passive) likely caused byglare

the lenscausingveiling glare

eye strain and fatiguecauseeye strain and fatigue

to squinting and eye fatigue for driverscan leadto squinting and eye fatigue for drivers

to eye strainleadsto eye strain

from specular reflections of high luminances in polished or glossy surfaces in the field of viewresultingfrom specular reflections of high luminances in polished or glossy surfaces in the field of view

from excessive illuminationresultingfrom excessive illumination

this optical effectcausesthis optical effect

from high illuminance or insufficiently shielded light sources in the field of viewresultingfrom high illuminance or insufficiently shielded light sources in the field of view

on mildseton mild

to increased eye fatigueleadsto increased eye fatigue

from specular reflectionsresultingfrom specular reflections

from bright reflections from polished , glossy , or illuminated objects and surfaces in the field of viewresultingfrom bright reflections from polished , glossy , or illuminated objects and surfaces in the field of view

from high luminancesresultingfrom high luminances

from high luminances or insufficiently shielded light sources in the field of viewresultingfrom high luminances or insufficiently shielded light sources in the field of view

lightingIncorrectly setlighting

to eyestraincan leadto eyestrain

visual limitations(passive) caused byvisual limitations

from very bright sources of lightresultingfrom very bright sources of light

from very bright sources of light in the field of viewresultingfrom very bright sources of light in the field of view

Eye strain(passive) caused byEye strain

from light that is reflected off flat surfacesresultingfrom light that is reflected off flat surfaces

you to squint and strain youwill causeyou to squint and strain you

in difficulty in seeingoften resultsin difficulty in seeing

for examplecan resultfor example

significant discomfort and inability to see ( this is known as a " white out " ) in one with glaucomato causesignificant discomfort and inability to see ( this is known as a " white out " ) in one with glaucoma

eye straincould causeeye strain

a difficulty in clearly seeing your surroundingscan causea difficulty in clearly seeing your surroundings

the crashcausedthe crash

eye strain ... accelerating the sensation of fatigue and discomfortcauseseye strain ... accelerating the sensation of fatigue and discomfort

you to squint behind the sunglassesalso causesyou to squint behind the sunglasses

significant discomfort and inability to see ( this is known as a " whiteout " ) in one with glaucomato causesignificant discomfort and inability to see ( this is known as a " whiteout " ) in one with glaucoma

discomfort and visibility to dropcan causediscomfort and visibility to drop

you to squint and strain the eyescould causeyou to squint and strain the eyes

to eyestraincan contributeto eyestrain

eyestrain and discomfortcauseseyestrain and discomfort

by staring at the computer and during driving in the nightcausedby staring at the computer and during driving in the night

excessive brightness which causes visual discomfortcausesexcessive brightness which causes visual discomfort

your eyes and trigger eyestraincan influenceyour eyes and trigger eyestrain

when lights are too brightCausedwhen lights are too bright

the discomfort(passive) caused bythe discomfort

to us to squint and strains our eyesleadsto us to squint and strains our eyes


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