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Qaagi - Book of Why



Language problem ... the main reasonsto causegeneration gap between parents and children pat

Too much pressure to bring home the baconcausinga possible generation gap between parents and children

cultural impact over different agescreatesthe generation gap between parents and their children

the new workplacecausesgeneration gap between parent and child

A generation gap ... the true age differencecausegeneration gap between parents

Yes of course there exists a generation gap between me and my parents in your opinionhas causedthe generation gap between children and parents

family problemsresultingfrom the generation gap between parents and children

their mother tongueresultedinto generation gap between parents and children

new technologieshave createda generation gap between parents and children

problems in the near futurecan ... createproblems in the near future

a difference in values or beliefs , which often leads to disagreementcan causea difference in values or beliefs , which often leads to disagreement

in a lack of communicationresultsin a lack of communication

to family and social maladjustmentsleadsto family and social maladjustments

a lot of misunderstanding and even conflictsmay causea lot of misunderstanding and even conflicts

to family strii and social maladjustmentleadsto family strii and social maladjustment

to bitter arguments and fightsoften leadsto bitter arguments and fights

the tension(passive) caused bythe tension

to different behavioursledto different behaviours

the incommunication(passive) caused bythe incommunication


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