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Qaagi - Book of Why



affecting every part of us ,creatingunbalancing in our daily lives

the patterns've setup in our daily life

Sharing a home with birds meanscreategames in daily life

The movie ... more precisely , the different timescreateup our daily life

opportunitiesto createspaciousness in our daily lives

Major themes emerging are : predator and prey relationshipsmainly resultingfrom our daily games

the ideasinventedin the game to our daily life

the factcreatesconsistencies in our daily life

Food ... an important factorto preventhyperlipidemia in our daily life

14:33:38 Nephritis not only bring physical pain to the patient , it also caused a severe blow to the heart of the patient , thento preventnephritis in our daily life

worry or anxietycan causeworry or anxiety

to honour all we findbe setto honour all we find


us joy but our true joy comes from God ( Ps 16:11may causeus joy but our true joy comes from God ( Ps 16:11

us from living our fullest lifecan preventus from living our fullest life

the tensions(passive) provoked bythe tensions

these gene mutations to become active and cause cancercan causethese gene mutations to become active and cause cancer

misalignmentcan causemisalignment


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