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Qaagi - Book of Why



the characteristics of cacao farmers and factorsinfluencingcocoa production

of factorscan influencecocoa production

factorsinfluencecocoa production

factorsinfluencingcocoa production

The district ... but its roadsleadsin cocoa production

The district ... butleadsin cocoa production

to forest protection and restorationleadingto forest protection and restoration

child slaverycauseschild slavery

in division of labour , time and resources among the different economic activitiesresultedin division of labour , time and resources among the different economic activities

deforestation(passive) caused bydeforestation

to the destruction of virgin forestsis ... contributingto the destruction of virgin forests

to deforestation and biodiversity losshas contributedto deforestation and biodiversity loss

to deforestation and biodiversity loss in many tropical countrieshas contributedto deforestation and biodiversity loss in many tropical countries

to deforestation , a phenomenon that deprives Ghanaians of much of their forest cover and increases greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissionscontributesto deforestation , a phenomenon that deprives Ghanaians of much of their forest cover and increases greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions

deforestation and forest degradation(passive) caused bydeforestation and forest degradation


the livelihoods of some 40 - 50 million peopleinfluencesthe livelihoods of some 40 - 50 million people

Global forest loss(passive) caused byGlobal forest loss

multicollinearity problemscausedmulticollinearity problems


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