For systems like Elephant , which maintain different versions offilesin a copy - on - write fashion on the disk , it is importantto preventdisk fragmentation for performance reasons
This map also keeps track of fragmentsto preventfragmentation from degrading disk performance
Too many delete operationscausefragmentation and performance problems
Shrinking the log file every day is not necessarily a good thing as the constant growth and shrinkage of the filecan causefragmentation on disk
Diskeeperpreventsfragmentation on your PC
These filesalso causefragmentation on your computer
This will helppreventfragmentation performance issues
The trick isto preventfragmentation from hindering system performance
Kerberos ... UDPmay causeperformance problems due to fragmentation
it to run slowly because the computer is n't using storage space efficientlycausesit to run slowly because the computer is n't using storage space efficiently