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Qaagi - Book of Why



for use in brushing teeth twice a day(passive) are designedFluoride toothpastes

Factorsinfluencingfluoride ingestion from dentifrice

by a holistic dentist(passive) designed byfluoride free toothpaste

a holistic dentist(passive) designed byfluoride free toothpaste

to prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel(passive) is designedA toothpaste with fluoride

they told mewas causedfrom the fluoride in the toothpaste

Yngve Ericsson(passive) invented byThe fluoride toothpaste

for people with(passive) is designedparodontax fluoride toothpaste

Numerous people ... shockedto discoverthat toothpaste that contains fluoride

specially(passive) is ... designedfluoride toothpaste

a pathwayledto high fluoride toothpaste

since the 1950s , which is a long time before being approved by the American Dental Association ( ADA(passive) has been inventedThis fluoride toothpaste

to reduce mineral loss and acid erosion(passive) is designedA fluoride toothpaste

the research folks at Colgate to give patients a toothpaste that would have an edge over the normal brands out there(passive) was invented bya fluoride toothpaste

to spit out , not swallow(passive) has been designedFluoride toothpaste

specially(passive) is ... designedThis fluoride toothpaste for kids

bodily harmhas ledthem to buy fluoride - free toothpaste

Brandsdesignedfluoride toothpaste

Makersdesignedfluoride toothpaste

for children(passive) has been ... designedlow fluoride toothpaste

because we ca n't eathas inventedfluoride toothpaste

To begin to understand the controversy , we must first understandledto putting fluoride in toothpaste and water

Crestinventedfluoride in toothpaste

to understandledto putting fluoride in toothpaste and water

X - Pur Remincausesremineralization comparable to a fluoride toothpaste

teethcan causeteeth

for sensitive teeth and gumsdesignedfor sensitive teeth and gums

tooth decaycan causetooth decay

when swallowedmay causewhen swallowed

specifically for plaque out of your teeth and gumsis designedspecifically for plaque out of your teeth and gums

to the development of fluorosismay leadto the development of fluorosis

specifically for sensitive teeth to reduce discomfort and floss dailyhas been designedspecifically for sensitive teeth to reduce discomfort and floss daily

to offer you a whiter teeth as soon as first brushingspecially designedto offer you a whiter teeth as soon as first brushing

more breakoutscan causemore breakouts

to help strengthen teeth and provide a clean mouth and a fresh feelingdesignedto help strengthen teeth and provide a clean mouth and a fresh feeling

for sensitive teethespecially designedfor sensitive teeth

for delicate teethdesignedfor delicate teeth

to the risk for enamel fluorosiscontributesto the risk for enamel fluorosis

cavities and gum diseasecausescavities and gum disease

to help strengthen teeth and provide a fresh feelingdesignedto help strengthen teeth and provide a fresh feeling

teeth to decayalso causesteeth to decay

in 63 percent increase in tooth brightnessresultedin 63 percent increase in tooth brightness

to fluorosiscontributesto fluorosis

damagecan causedamage

to fight cavities and keep teeth strongdesignedto fight cavities and keep teeth strong

for sensitive teethdesignedfor sensitive teeth

staining if used in excesscausesstaining if used in excess

to strengthening the enamelalso contributesto strengthening the enamel

dry mouthcauseddry mouth

for use with sensitive teethis designedfor use with sensitive teeth

tooth decaycan causetooth decay

alsocan ... causealso

to the prevention of tooth decay worldwidehas contributed immenselyto the prevention of tooth decay worldwide

enamel breakdowncan causeenamel breakdown

to protect the enameldesignedto protect the enamel

Intrinsic stains , which are found within the structure of the tooth(passive) can be caused byIntrinsic stains , which are found within the structure of the tooth

to prevent tartar and plaque and promote healthier gumsdesignedto prevent tartar and plaque and promote healthier gums

for sensitivity that works in much the same wayspecially designedfor sensitivity that works in much the same way

discoloration and stainingcan causediscoloration and staining

to a healthier and stronger smilecan leadto a healthier and stronger smile

Sincewas inventedSince

for sensitive teethdesignedfor sensitive teeth

the same effectscausesthe same effects

stomatitismay ... causestomatitis

to give your teeth an extra edge of every - day protectiondesignedto give your teeth an extra edge of every - day protection


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