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Qaagi - Book of Why



Insomniacausessevere sleep deprivation

by not being able to sleep without interruptions(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

by long work hours(passive) caused byserious sleep deprivation

by wakefulness(passive) caused byserious sleep deprivation

The pain can last for several days and nightscausingsevere sleep deprivation

by DEW(passive) caused bythe extreme sleep deprivation

Sleep apneacausessevere sleep deprivation

She was also the worst sleeper to bootleadingto crazy sleep deprivation

thought and effortcausessevere sleep deprivation

your sleep apneawould causeintense sleep deprivation

wakefulness(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

Neurological imbalances caused by anxiety and stressoften causesevere sleep deprivation

an average of seven times a nighthas causedserious sleep deprivation

This bookmay causesevere sleep deprivation

getting up between 6 - 8 times or more at nightcausedsevere sleep deprivation

by wakefulness(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

6 - 8 times or more at nightcausedsevere sleep deprivation

getting up 6 - 8 times or more at nightcausedsevere sleep deprivation

The checksare causingserious sleep deprivation

all daycauseheavy sleep deprivation

body chemistry changeshas causedsevere sleep deprivation

the hallucinationscausedfrom severe sleep deprivation

Restless Leg Syndrome ... a medical conditioncan causesevere sleep deprivation

a medical conditioncan causesevere sleep deprivation

by DEW(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

a constant loss of How to thesis sleepcausingsevere sleep deprivation

How to thesis sleepcausingsevere sleep deprivation

It is a constant loss of How to thesis sleepcausingsevere sleep deprivation

Stress tendsto causeserious sleep deprivation

a major nuisancecan causesome serious sleep deprivation

this bookcausessevere sleep deprivation

by sleep apnea(passive) caused bymassive sleep deprivation

They rowed non - stop all day and all night in two - hour shiftsleadingto " extreme sleep deprivation

by five wind turbines(passive) caused byhigh sleep deprivation

the summer childcare schedulehas causedserious sleep - deprivation

whose RLSis causingserious sleep deprivation

by the build(passive) caused bymassive sleep deprivation

the enormous amount of my homework(passive) caused byheavy sleep deprivation

by his tingling legs(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

his tingling legs(passive) caused bysevere sleep deprivation

to psychosisleadto psychosis

hallucinationseven causedhallucinations

hallucinationseven causedhallucinations

to more serious sleep disorders such as insomnia , sleep apnea , narcolepsy , and moremay also leadto more serious sleep disorders such as insomnia , sleep apnea , narcolepsy , and more

alsomay ... leadalso

in hallucinationsoften resultsin hallucinations

to a psychotic paranoia state , hyperactivity and agitation and hallucinations in otherwise seemingly healthy individualsmay also leadto a psychotic paranoia state , hyperactivity and agitation and hallucinations in otherwise seemingly healthy individuals

to waking visual and auditory hallucinationscan leadto waking visual and auditory hallucinations

hallucinations and even deathcan causehallucinations and even death

to very scary symptoms including hallucinations and paranoiacan leadto very scary symptoms including hallucinations and paranoia

to physical weariness , hallucinations and mood swingscan leadto physical weariness , hallucinations and mood swings

big havocmay causebig havoc

from Mania / Insomnia / Anxietycausedfrom Mania / Insomnia / Anxiety

in hallucinationscan resultin hallucinations

to a host of serious problems , including high blood pressure , weight gain , and hallucinationscan leadto a host of serious problems , including high blood pressure , weight gain , and hallucinations

to psychosisleadsto psychosis

to depletion in energy levelscan leadto depletion in energy levels

in weakened immune systemcan resultin weakened immune system

to a nightcan leadto a night

psychosiscan causepsychosis

to high blood pressure and strokemay leadto high blood pressure and stroke

in after several consecutive nights of bottlesetin after several consecutive nights of bottle

a number of stream of consciousness emailscauseda number of stream of consciousness emails

hallucinations as wellcan causehallucinations as well

to a dampening effect on the brain cellsleadsto a dampening effect on the brain cells

to psychological distresscan even leadto psychological distress

someone to display symptoms similar to those of being drunkcan causesomeone to display symptoms similar to those of being drunk

to depression and feelings of anxietycan leadto depression and feelings of anxiety

to deathcan ultimately leadto death

enough sleepiness to take half the morning to get the brain back in focus and the ears are useless without the brain to process and translatecan causeenough sleepiness to take half the morning to get the brain back in focus and the ears are useless without the brain to process and translate

in weakened immune system , hypertension , hallucination , psychosis symptoms , bad reaction time and symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Disorder and being intoxicated from alcohol or drugscan resultin weakened immune system , hypertension , hallucination , psychosis symptoms , bad reaction time and symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Disorder and being intoxicated from alcohol or drugs

in weakened immune system , hypertension , hallucination , psychosis symptoms , bad reaction time and symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Disordercan resultin weakened immune system , hypertension , hallucination , psychosis symptoms , bad reaction time and symptoms similar to Attention Deficit Disorder

in some crack - brain symptoms like hallucinations and major mood swingscan resultin some crack - brain symptoms like hallucinations and major mood swings

to hallucinations and an impaired ability to regulate moodleadsto hallucinations and an impaired ability to regulate mood

evencan ... leadeven

to a breakdownledto a breakdown

symptoms of depersonalization / derealization ... weakened immune system , hallucinations ( visual and auditory ) , hypertension , psychosis - like symptoms , slowed reaction time , slurred and/or nonsensical speech , and symptoms similar to : Attention - deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and alcoholic intoxicationcan causesymptoms of depersonalization / derealization ... weakened immune system , hallucinations ( visual and auditory ) , hypertension , psychosis - like symptoms , slowed reaction time , slurred and/or nonsensical speech , and symptoms similar to : Attention - deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and alcoholic intoxication

to hallucinationscan leadto hallucinations

psychological disturbance which can lead to psychosis , manic depression , anxiety , chronic mood swings , and many otherscan causepsychological disturbance which can lead to psychosis , manic depression , anxiety , chronic mood swings , and many others

psychological disturbance which can lead to psychosis , manic depression , anxiety , chronic mood swings , and many otherscan causepsychological disturbance which can lead to psychosis , manic depression , anxiety , chronic mood swings , and many others


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