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Qaagi - Book of Why




to extend the companys production and service facilities to a new geographical area(passive) is designedexpansion

to enable additional growth for the company(passive) is designedThe expansion

a forceto causeexpansion

... ; as , the expansive force of heatcausingexpansion

Expansive ... ; as , the expansive force of heatcausingexpansion

both what?s ... , and by how much it?s expandingcausingthe expansion

if its expanding both ... and by how much its expandingcausingthe expansion

to permit thermal movement of the service pipe without damage to the insulation(passive) shall be designedexpansion

the forcecausingthe expansion

some form of ' dark energy ' ( including a cosmological constant ) , or ( ii(passive) is caused byexpansion

The increasing size of the city and demand for servicespromptedthe expansion

increasing demand for larger and more complex Phase(passive) was prompted byThe expansion

the heat(passive) caused byThe expansion

to move all manufacturing inside the newly expanded building(passive) is designedThe expansion

a wayto provokeexpansion

Demandis promptingthe expansion

a need to update , consolidate and increase research space particularly animal space(passive) was prompted byThe expansion

by increased surrounding temperatures(passive) caused byexpansion

to open in time(passive) is setThe expansion

the gas inside thecausedexpansion

Heatwill causeexpansion

to meet businesses growth and cater for the increasing demands of customers(passive) is designedThe expansion

to Support The Company 's Growth in The Middle East (passive) Is DesignedThe Expansion

influences from inside that specific region that is expanding(passive) is caused bythe expansion

the architectdesignedthe expansion

to increase fan noise(passive) also is designedThe expansion

the forceis ... causingthe ... expansion

the conditionswould causeexpansion

some law of physics ... the conditionswould causeexpansion

to continue to accommodate this influx(passive) is setExpansion

by the intake of water(passive) caused byexpansion

Heatingfurther does causeexpansion

also(passive) was ... designedThe expansion

that pressure increasescauseexpansion

The compression forcecan causeexpansion

for those who want to have more challenge from the game(passive) is designedThe expansion

by development(passive) caused bythe expansion

also(passive) is ... designedThe expansion


for take offsetfor take off

to new office spaceleadsto new office space

the industryDiscoveringthe industry

in a new twelve year lease extensionresultedin a new twelve year lease extension

to bigger spaces , more equipment , more products and storageleadsto bigger spaces , more equipment , more products and storage

it to increasecausesit to increase

larger gapcausinglarger gap

to growthalso contributedto growth

to keep up with growthdesignedto keep up with growth

to growthleadsto growth

in a 25 % or greater increase of the total square foot area of the existing accommodation developmentresultsin a 25 % or greater increase of the total square foot area of the existing accommodation development

in creating additional hole lengthresultedin creating additional hole length

to an increase in the employment opportunitieswill leadto an increase in the employment opportunities

Internal(passive) shall be designedInternal

to a bigger staffwill leadto a bigger staff

an additional 10,000 square feetcontributedan additional 10,000 square feet

to enhance stability designedto enhance stability

to enhance stabilitydesignedto enhance stability

more teams and more gamessettingmore teams and more games

from increased distributionresultedfrom increased distribution

from increased distribution into larger marketsresultedfrom increased distribution into larger markets

to more jobsleadsto more jobs

in more employeesresultsin more employees

serious growing pains and headachescan causeserious growing pains and headaches

to growth in more marketsleadsto growth in more markets

to increase deliveriesdesignedto increase deliveries

to increase deliveriesdesignedto increase deliveries

to increase deliveries to the Northeastdesignedto increase deliveries to the Northeast

to more competition and a larger followingleadsto more competition and a larger following

the dividends to increasemay also causethe dividends to increase

to growthleadsto growth

to increasing organization of the churchledto increasing organization of the church

to new budgetleadsto new budget

to expanding project intricacy , period or the twoleadsto expanding project intricacy , period or the two

to create moreleadsto create more

in a new MRI room , more patient rooms , and an expanded treatment areawill resultin a new MRI room , more patient rooms , and an expanded treatment area

to project power beyond the regiondesignedto project power beyond the region

to a growing funding gaphas ledto a growing funding gap

an increase in design flow above the approved capacity of a systemcausesan increase in design flow above the approved capacity of a system

a risecauseda rise


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