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Qaagi - Book of Why



in the pasthave ... ledto election violence in Kenya

the different reasons that have in the pastledto election violence in Kenya

how informal public information networkscontributedto post - election violence in Kenya

the different reasons ... in the pasthave ... ledto election violence in Kenya

the dynamicsresultedin the post - election violence in Kenya

to delay the vote in four countiespromptingto delay the vote in four counties

over 1,000 deathscausedover 1,000 deaths

to the deaths of 2,000 people and displacement of up to 600,000leadingto the deaths of 2,000 people and displacement of up to 600,000

to shortages and price hikes not only in Kenya but also in neighboring countriesledto shortages and price hikes not only in Kenya but also in neighboring countries

in the deaths of over 1000 peopleresultedin the deaths of over 1000 people

them to be more serious with a new constitutionpromptedthem to be more serious with a new constitution

to the demand for more reformsledto the demand for more reforms

the displacement of more than 300,000 peoplecausedthe displacement of more than 300,000 people

the tourist industry to collapse and with ithas causedthe tourist industry to collapse and with it

a collapse in tourismcauseda collapse in tourism


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