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Qaagi - Book of Why



Legislationto preventdumping of e - waste

orderto preventdumping of any waste

Construction of a walkway and ring roads on the banks of Periyar along the industrial belt and fencing of the stretchesto preventdumping of waste at Edamula

effective counter measuresto preventwaste dumping

The Hindu Business Line Sportstar Frontline Publications eBooks Images Home Garbage - handling gets a legal framework in Kochi Now that the solid - waste treatment plant at Brahmapuram is ready , the Kochi Corporation has introduced penal provisionsto preventmindless dumping of waste

Police and health departments would keep an eye on the riverto preventdumping of waste

Life Below Water ” : Efficient onboard waste handling systems helpto preventdumping waste overboard

A boundary wall was constructedto preventdumping of garbage

a compound wallto preventdumping of garbage

The gatewill preventdumping of garbage

Civic bodiesshould preventdumping of garbage

to keep the land cleanto preventdumping of garbage

human population which is increasing every year(passive) caused bywaste dumping

creating economic incentivesto preventwaste dumping

a bidto preventdumping of garbage

the city ... 2013preventeddumping of waste

The two sides of MSW - I and MSW - II would be covered by steel wire netsto preventdumping of garbage

using installation of CCTV camerasto preventdumping of waste

planted around Red Hills laketo preventdumping of garbage

put in placeto preventwaste dumping

IST Vigilant Sector 10 residents on Thursday nightpreventeddumping of garbage

that the Urban Affairs Department is fencing the Umshyrpi and Umkhrah at strategic pointsto further preventdumping of garbage

The second phase of fencing along River Coonoor by the Coonoor Municipalityto preventdumping of garbage

The warning boardsto preventdumping of garbage

effortsto preventwaste dumping

an iron mesh lidto preventwaste dumping

Send to Friend MEPAmust preventwaste dumping

R. Krishnamoorthy Open defecationhave causeddumping of waste

the Mediterranean Sea ... MARPOL Annex Vpreventsdumping of garbage

At the same time , the further valve will closeto preventdumping to waste

The Government has set up fences in certain areasto preventdumping of waste

formulate effective countermeasuresto preventwaste dumping

activitiesto preventwaste dumping

initiate measureto preventdumping of waste haphazardly

The Clean Water Protection Act would amend the Water Pollution Control Actto preventwaste dumping

to be takento preventdumping of waste

Regulationspreventwaste dumping

launching of awareness programme among the localsto preventdumping of waste

unregulated coastal and caye development(passive) caused bywaste dumping

an environmental campaignto preventwaste dumping

the effects of pollution(passive) caused bythe effects of pollution

10 % of pollution(passive) is caused by10 % of pollution

in soil and water pollutionhas resultedin soil and water pollution

to pollution and an unhealthy atmosphere in the villagewas leadingto pollution and an unhealthy atmosphere in the village

water pollution and the substances or chemicalscauseswater pollution and the substances or chemicals

pollution of land , air and water pollutioncausespollution of land , air and water pollution

in some cases severe pollution within their communitycausingin some cases severe pollution within their community

to severe pollution of water bodies as well as groundwater which , if unchecked , might lead to serious health hazardshas ledto severe pollution of water bodies as well as groundwater which , if unchecked , might lead to serious health hazards

to blockage of drains causing floods , contamination of water and air pollutionleadsto blockage of drains causing floods , contamination of water and air pollution

problems for people along Adyar river | TheNeoTVcreatesproblems for people along Adyar river | TheNeoTV

a lot of problemscan createa lot of problems

many problemscan causemany problems

the social problems(passive) created bythe social problems

to water contamination in the areahas ledto water contamination in the area

damage to the environment will be fined up to VND3 billion ( US$ 132,159 ) or jailed for up to seven years , according to the amended Vietnamese 2015 Penal Codeto causedamage to the environment will be fined up to VND3 billion ( US$ 132,159 ) or jailed for up to seven years , according to the amended Vietnamese 2015 Penal Code

to health related problems in the regionwill leadto health related problems in the region

problem and efforts should be made to stop contamination of groundwateris causingproblem and efforts should be made to stop contamination of groundwater

problems Nine candidates file nomination paperscreatesproblems Nine candidates file nomination papers

danger to marine lifewill causedanger to marine life

polluted water tables and health problems for locals Child labourcreatingpolluted water tables and health problems for locals Child labour

surrounding property damagecan causesurrounding property damage

to the formation of leachate which in turn will cause environmental issues like soil and ground water contaminationwill leadto the formation of leachate which in turn will cause environmental issues like soil and ground water contamination

to possibility of contamination of groundwater and there was no arrangement for leachate collection , no machinery installed for handling of solid waste which was not even being segregatedwas leadingto possibility of contamination of groundwater and there was no arrangement for leachate collection , no machinery installed for handling of solid waste which was not even being segregated

hygiene problems Bad condition ... A view of Chettiyeri lake , which was a drinking water source for Ariyalur sometime agohave causedhygiene problems Bad condition ... A view of Chettiyeri lake , which was a drinking water source for Ariyalur sometime ago

in widespread contamination near a major aquiferhas resultedin widespread contamination near a major aquifer

heavy damage ... as has the diversion of water that favors Israeli settlements over the Palestinian territorieshas causedheavy damage ... as has the diversion of water that favors Israeli settlements over the Palestinian territories

i]n accordance with the principles of international law regarding State responsibility for damage to the environment of other States(passive) caused byi]n accordance with the principles of international law regarding State responsibility for damage to the environment of other States

traffic Jamcausingtraffic Jam

to degradation of land , soil , and airleadto degradation of land , soil , and air

in rising of river bed which might lead to floodresultedin rising of river bed which might lead to flood

to various health hazards to the people living nearbymay leadto various health hazards to the people living nearby

in foul stench around the lakehas resultedin foul stench around the lake

in toxic and harmful substances entering the waterways and oceansresultingin toxic and harmful substances entering the waterways and oceans

to mosquitoes breeding there during the monsoonhad also ledto mosquitoes breeding there during the monsoon

not only environmental hazardscreatednot only environmental hazards

detrimental effects to the environmenthas been causingdetrimental effects to the environment

to environmental degradation , destruction of the ecosystemcan leadto environmental degradation , destruction of the ecosystem

alreadyhas ... causedalready

more than just rivers to be pollutedis causingmore than just rivers to be polluted

which is why we focus on recyclingcan causewhich is why we focus on recycling


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