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Qaagi - Book of Why



the drug industry(passive) are invented bydrugs

Drugcan causeDrugs

Substance abuse of any drug including alcohol and legal prescriptionscan leaddrugs

Another drug theory statesCausesDrugs

Possession of drugs and/or drug paraphernaliado ... causedrugs

on the premises , as well as drug paraphernalia(passive) were repeatedly discoveredDrugs

Different Sorts of Drug abuse Alcohol as well asinfluencedrugs

to alter the brain chemistry of anyone who takes the drug(passive) are ... designeddrugs

DRUG " DISCOVERIES " Drug companiesdiscoverdrugs



how dangerous a drug is in terms of its addiction risk and whether or not it has any accepted medical uses(passive) are influenced byDrugs

also the problemscausedrugs

designer drugsdesignedDrugs

by our lost drug war(passive) caused bydrugs

by cancer(passive) caused bydrugs

Medicinal treatmentMay causedrugs

to have the same effect as illegal substances ( such as ecstasy ) by using chemically similar substances(passive) are designeddrugs

The country?s out - of - control problem with addiction to heroin and prescriptionhas resulteddrugs

Overdose Abuse of prescriptioncausesdrugs

to treat people(passive) being discovereddrugs

so that the government hasto discoverdrugs

an admitted user of marijuana , alcohol , cocaine , and prescriptiondiscover heredrugs

drugs causing steroidscausingDrugs

the basic drug addictscausedrugs

drug prohibition causes crimedo ... causeDrugs

The FDA analysisdiscovereddrugs

to make drug company 's shareholders money(passive) are primarily designedDrugs

for individuals who are addicted to opiates and other kinds of substance drugs(passive) are designeddrugs

Drug development uses techniques from medicinal chemistryto chemically designdrugs

Drug abuse and alcohol , smokingmay causedrugs

These factors , alcohol addiction , medication misuse as well as side - effects of particular types of medicines , consisting of couple of antidepressantsinfluencedrugs

d. Drug development uses techniques from medicinal chemistryto chemically designdrugs

the administration of any dose of the drug ( 2(passive) caused bydrugs

These elements , alcohol addiction , medication misuse as well as side - effects of particular types of medications , consisting of few antidepressantsinfluencedrugs

The abuse of prescriptioncausesdrugs

by prohibition force many drug(passive) caused bydrugs

the drug war ... the daywere inventeddrugs

including marijuana plants and police(passive) were discoveredDrugs

to give prolonged or delayed release of the drug(passive) are designeddrugs

an overdose of another drugcausean overdose of another drug

Reaction To DrugcausedReaction To Drug

a drug - like reactionmay causea drug - like reaction

Drug Effect IncreasedcausedDrug Effect Increased

addiction problemscauseaddiction problems

a person to do a drug act if they do onecan causea person to do a drug act if they do one

these problems it is drug moneyare causingthese problems it is drug money

what drugs ... erectile dysfunction drugcausewhat drugs ... erectile dysfunction drug

addiction include both legal and illegal drugs as well as prescription or over the counter drugscauseaddiction include both legal and illegal drugs as well as prescription or over the counter drugs

extreme harm , physical addiction , overdoses ( heroin , cocaine , alcoholcauseextreme harm , physical addiction , overdoses ( heroin , cocaine , alcohol

memory loss Drug Used To Increasecausememory loss Drug Used To Increase

addiction ( and possibly greater danger ) , such as heroin and alcoholcauseaddiction ( and possibly greater danger ) , such as heroin and alcohol

side effects or addictioncan ... causeside effects or addiction

ed drug medication medicine for edcausinged drug medication medicine for ed

to use of the street drug , heroinoften leadingto use of the street drug , heroin

drowsiness : alcohol , tranquilizers , sleep aids , antidepressants , antihistamines , or any of the drugcausedrowsiness : alcohol , tranquilizers , sleep aids , antidepressants , antihistamines , or any of the drug

to physical addiction , such as such alcohol , cocaine , heroin ; leadingto physical addiction , such as such alcohol , cocaine , heroin ;

to mimic the effects of well - known drugs on the market like marijuana and cocaineare designedto mimic the effects of well - known drugs on the market like marijuana and cocaine

unexpected side - effectsto causeunexpected side - effects

not only to overdoses and deaths , but also to a host of arrests and convictions for drug crimesleadnot only to overdoses and deaths , but also to a host of arrests and convictions for drug crimes

in serious dangers or dangerous drugs or withresultin serious dangers or dangerous drugs or with

severe memory loss causing cognitive symptomscausesevere memory loss causing cognitive symptoms

to state drug chargesleadto state drug charges

harm , but not nearly as much as drug lawscan causeharm , but not nearly as much as drug laws

side effect symptoms which call for another drug , which calls for another ... and so oncauseside effect symptoms which call for another drug , which calls for another ... and so on

side effect symptoms which call for another drug , which calls for another , and so onoften causeside effect symptoms which call for another drug , which calls for another , and so on

for the treatment of depression , pain , anddesignedfor the treatment of depression , pain , and

impairment and are associated with side effects such as drowsiness , inability to concentrate , and respiratory depressioncauseimpairment and are associated with side effects such as drowsiness , inability to concentrate , and respiratory depression

in fatal overdoses responsible for the deathsresultin fatal overdoses responsible for the deaths

are associated with side effects such as drowsiness , inability to concentrate , and respiratory depressioncauseare associated with side effects such as drowsiness , inability to concentrate , and respiratory depression

your a physical addiction , such as heroin for exampledo causeyour a physical addiction , such as heroin for example

to addiction , health problems , or deathoften leadto addiction , health problems , or death

to illness , addiction , deaths , and other crimescan leadto illness , addiction , deaths , and other crimes

severe addictioncausesevere addiction

side effects they?ll need more drugs forcauseside effects they?ll need more drugs for

drowsiness ... including antidepressants , alcohol , antihistaminescausedrowsiness ... including antidepressants , alcohol , antihistamines

deaths or harm(passive) caused bydeaths or harm

an increase of dopamine and addiction to itcausesan increase of dopamine and addiction to it

side effects with the dosage of each of these medicationscauseside effects with the dosage of each of these medications

more addiction and dependence than alcoholcausemore addiction and dependence than alcohol


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