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Qaagi - Book of Why



taking (passive) is commonly caused byDrinking alcohol

by being an alcoholic(passive) uncontrollably is causedDrinking


youth perceptions of how their peers drink(passive) is influenced byDrinking

alcoholism(passive) alcoholically is caused byDrinking

youth ( mis)perceptions of how their peers drink(passive) is influenced byDrinking

how I thought'd inventeddrinking

how it felt to drink when I was a young man , how I thought'd inventeddrinking

you drink significantly more to ease that anxietycausesdrinking

regular or occasionalleadsdrinking

Neither of drinks alcohol ; I thinkcan ... causedrinking

Another waycan influencedrinking

the damageis causingdrinking

Social or weekendcan leaddrinking

as an interactive , user - friendly guide to developing alcohol education programs(passive) is designedDrinking

She thinkscausesdrinking

by alcohol(passive) caused bydrinking alcohol

I thinkcan ... causedrinking

Your Alcohol Consumption Excessivecontributesdrinking

Research studydiscovereddrinking alcohol

the problems ... and what everything I have to lose if I drinkhas causeddrinking

People ... a cyclecausedrinking

a cyclecausedrinking

young teensdiscovereddrinking

culturecan influencedrinking

in which alcoholic beverages testing along with assessmentmight influencedrinking

Alcohol advertisingcausesdrinking

Certain thingsmay influencedrinking

being in a fraternitycausesdrinking

Your problemcauseddrinking alcohol


Alcohol Bingecausesdrinking

Short - termcan causedrinking

by Older Friends(passive) Influenced byDrinking Alcohol

Alcohol and too muchcausedrinking

concocteddiscovereddrinking alcohol

The alcohol consumption gene ... other factorscould ... influencedrinking

Statescan influencedrinking

by obsession(passive) caused byDrinking

the next daythat ... may causedrinking

to injuries or alcohol poisoningcan leadto injuries or alcohol poisoning

in dehydrationcan resultin dehydration

to dehydrationcan leadto dehydration


indigestioncan causeindigestion

to alcohol poisoning in some peopleleadsto alcohol poisoning in some people

dehydration , which can lead to hangoverscausesdehydration , which can lead to hangovers

too many a daycan leadtoo many a day

to getting * very drunk * and a lack of filterwould probably leadto getting * very drunk * and a lack of filter

your habit of drinking to increasecan causeyour habit of drinking to increase

More and much more people(passive) are discoveredMore and much more people

in the person becoming dependent or addicted to alcoholhas resultedin the person becoming dependent or addicted to alcohol

to a release of the inhibitionsleadsto a release of the inhibitions

social or interpersonal issues(passive) caused bysocial or interpersonal issues

to alcohol poisoningirresponsibly can leadto alcohol poisoning

dry mouthcan causedry mouth

to deathmight leadto death

to excessive urination , which results in electrolyte loss and dehydrationleadsto excessive urination , which results in electrolyte loss and dehydration

to dependence on alcoholregularly and heavily leadsto dependence on alcohol

me D if I have more than 2 glasses of winecausesme D if I have more than 2 glasses of wine

to many bad situationscan leadto many bad situations

dehydrationcan causedehydration

you to become dehydratedcausesyou to become dehydrated

the effect of the medicinemay influencethe effect of the medicine

to hangovers and bad breathmay lead additionallyto hangovers and bad breath

sleepiness , and dizzinessmay causesleepiness , and dizziness

health issuescan causehealth issues


a lot of problems for your bodycan causea lot of problems for your body


severe trouble and the choice is made to drink again the drinker is thought of as insaneis causingsevere trouble and the choice is made to drink again the drinker is thought of as insane

dehydration and electrolyte imbalancescan causedehydration and electrolyte imbalances

the problems(passive) caused bythe problems

dehydration , which includes the drying of the mouthcausesdehydration , which includes the drying of the mouth

to alcoholism and drunk drivingcan leadto alcoholism and drunk driving

eye paincauseseye pain

to bad food decisionscan also leadto bad food decisions

high blood pressurealso causeshigh blood pressure

physical fatigue(passive) caused byphysical fatigue

to dehydration , which can cause headachesleadsto dehydration , which can cause headaches


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