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Qaagi - Book of Why



The Federal Budget SettingFiscal Policy

Governmentsinfluencefiscal policy

the authorityto influencefiscal policy

The Governmentsetsfiscal policy

the Treasurysetsfiscal policy

to occasionally ignore debtwhen settingfiscal policy

to close a recessionary gap by changing aggregate expenditures and shifting the aggregate demand curve(passive) is designedExpansionary fiscal policy

tryingto influencefiscal policy

by the federal reserve(passive) is set byFiscal policy

to restrain the economy during or in anticipation of an inflation - inducing business cycle expansion(passive) is designedContractionary fiscal policy

to restrain the economy during or anticipation of an inflation - inducing business - cycle expansion(passive) is designedContractionary fiscal policy

Government(passive) is designed byFiscal policy

Budget decisions ... the governmentsetsfiscal policy

that the Finance Secretary acting in self - interest would get the Bank to fund the budget through accommodative monetary policycausingfiscal policy

as a drag on growth(passive) is setFiscal policy

to stimulate the economy during or anticipation of a business - cycle contraction(passive) is designedExpansionary fiscal policy

to reduce the public sector borrowing requirement to about 1 percent of GDP in 2000/01(passive) is designedFiscal policy

Congress ( Asetsfiscal policy

the governmentshould ... influencefiscal policy

to close an inflationary gap by changing aggregate expenditures and shifting the aggregate demand curve(passive) is designedContractionary fiscal policy

so that no abrupt consolidation is needed when production wanes(passive) should be setFiscal policy

Congress(passive) is set byFiscal policy

any policy in governmentinfluencesfiscal policy

any policy in government ... taxesinfluencesfiscal policy

abilityto influencefiscal policy

the previous governmentdesignedfiscal policy

still(passive) is ... setFiscal policy

to reduce the public sector borrowing requirement to about 1 % of GDP in 2000/01(passive) is designedFiscal policy

by changes in government(passive) caused byfiscal policy

changes in government(passive) caused byfiscal policy

inflation targetingcan influencefiscal policy

ableto influencefiscal policy

to achieve an objective(passive) is designedfiscal policy

national markets factorsinfluencingfiscal policy

that must be balancedwhen settingfiscal policy

the services of the politicianssetfiscal policy

the dividends the central bank pays ... thus having the central bank set its own profits is equivalent to itsettingfiscal policy

policy reformscan leadfiscal policy

the federal governmentsetsfiscal policy

The autonomy of the Chancellor of the Exchequerto setfiscal policy

in a budget deficitwill resultin a budget deficit

to a larger government budget deficit or a smaller budget surplusleadsto a larger government budget deficit or a smaller budget surplus

to increase aggregatedesignedto increase aggregate

the economyinfluencingthe economy

to more expenditureleadingto more expenditure

the private sectorinfluencesthe private sector

macroeconomic conditions by adjusting spending and taxation policies to alter aggregate demandinfluencemacroeconomic conditions by adjusting spending and taxation policies to alter aggregate demand

primary surplusesto setprimary surpluses

macroeconomic conditionsto influencemacroeconomic conditions

in greater inflation pressures and increasing public debtcould resultin greater inflation pressures and increasing public debt

in the crowding out of private investment and net exportsmay resultin the crowding out of private investment and net exports

in greater inflation pressurescould resultin greater inflation pressures

to a higher trade deficitcan leadto a higher trade deficit

some increase in aggregate spending ... with larger increases the further the economy is from full employmentwould causesome increase in aggregate spending ... with larger increases the further the economy is from full employment

the economyinfluencesthe economy

to increasedesignedto increase

to a smaller government budget deficit or a larger budget surplusleadsto a smaller government budget deficit or a larger budget surplus

economic outcomesinfluenceseconomic outcomes

to reduce unemploymentdesignedto reduce unemployment

to an increase in real GDP larger than the initial rise in aggregate spendingleadsto an increase in real GDP larger than the initial rise in aggregate spending



to changes in government expenditure ( a component of ADcontributesto changes in government expenditure ( a component of AD

in a large budget deficit , all else equalresultsin a large budget deficit , all else equal

in a large budget deficitresultsin a large budget deficit

to government deficits / debtmay leadto government deficits / debt

the reduction of either the direct or indirect taxescausesthe reduction of either the direct or indirect taxes

to deterioration in the trade balancewill leadto deterioration in the trade balance

to reduce inflationdesignedto reduce inflation

in sound fiscal management and effective internal financial controlswill resultin sound fiscal management and effective internal financial controls

to higher taxes , not monetary policyledto higher taxes , not monetary policy

inflationary changes(passive) caused byinflationary changes

macroeconomic conditions by adjusting spending and taxation policies to alter aggregate demand When aggregate demand falls below the potential output of the economyinfluencemacroeconomic conditions by adjusting spending and taxation policies to alter aggregate demand When aggregate demand falls below the potential output of the economy

in a balanced budget , a deficit budget and a surplus budgetcan resultin a balanced budget , a deficit budget and a surplus budget

to increased deficitsleadsto increased deficits


to support economic recoverydesignedto support economic recovery

the level of GDPcan influencethe level of GDP

little to lessening the U.S. external deficitwill contributelittle to lessening the U.S. external deficit

interest rates to risecausesinterest rates to rise


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