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Qaagi - Book of Why



a step up in optical power of +0.12D or more(passive) may be caused bya discontinuity

by interruptions 4(passive) caused byDiscontinuity

Any change in resistance , capacitance or inductancecausesdiscontinuity

by system interactions(passive) caused bydiscontinuity

discontinuity Movewould causediscontinuity

an actioncausesa discontinuity

the dielectriccausesa discontinuity

dueto leaddiscontinuity


PE Adiscoversa discontinuity

a cyclecausingdiscontinuity

Any angle between the twowill causea discontinuity

Vertical stability in a zone ... a step in optical powermay causea discontinuity

a rock formationcausinga discontinuity

by this splitting(passive) caused bydiscontinuity

a step up or a step down in optical power between two regions of a lens(passive) may be- caused byA discontinuity


often(passive) is ... discoveredDiscontinuity

by an overlap between(passive) caused bydiscontinuity

each onecausinga discontinuity

eto leaddiscontinuity

by a transition between two media(passive) caused bya discontinuity

that is neededto causediscontinuity

illegal parking or time - allowed parking in cycling links(passive) caused bydiscontinuity

the lead ... dueto leaddiscontinuity

The followingwill causediscontinuity

The children 's frequent movescausediscontinuity

by the fault(passive) caused bydiscontinuity

by us(passive) caused bya discontinuity

tone jumpcausesgradation discontinuity

by the ends of the band(passive) caused bya discontinuity

in turncausesdiscontinuity

by different audio signals(passive) caused bya discontinuity

an issuecould causea discontinuity

the death of one personto causean discontinuity

any misalignment or other processingmay causea discontinuity

The patients pain ... dueto leaddiscontinuity

in the documentation(passive) is often discoveredDiscontinuity

at the layer break(passive) is setDiscontinuity

at the layer(passive) is setDiscontinuity

a distortion in the fieldcausesa distortion in the field

unwanted signal reflectionscan causeunwanted signal reflections

to a start / stop pattern of new projectshas ledto a start / stop pattern of new projects

an audible clickcausesan audible click

in extra frequency components in the resulting spectrumresultsin extra frequency components in the resulting spectrum

to cracksleadingto cracks



The step in optical power(passive) may be caused byThe step in optical power

RF losses and reflectionscan causeRF losses and reflections

problems at higher frequencycan causeproblems at higher frequency

in their loss of momentum and effectivenessresultingin their loss of momentum and effectiveness

in a ' click ' effectwill resultin a ' click ' effect

a reflectioncausesa reflection

by the creative leap of a single mindresultsby the creative leap of a single mind

a deflection due to the buoyancy at the phase transition ( F660causea deflection due to the buoyancy at the phase transition ( F660

The indication(passive) may be caused byThe indication



to cognitive dissonance and other PTSD symptomscan leadto cognitive dissonance and other PTSD symptoms

your hard circleinfluencesyour hard circle

Site Flow Disruption(passive) caused bySite Flow Disruption

The high stresses at intersections(passive) are caused byThe high stresses at intersections

to anxietycan leadto anxiety

to the propagation of a small crackleadsto the propagation of a small crack

your confidence in a prediction to significantly declineshould causeyour confidence in a prediction to significantly decline

a reflected pulsecausinga reflected pulse

from the change in utility fluid and the increase in friction and loss of sensitivity in valve seating or sealingresultingfrom the change in utility fluid and the increase in friction and loss of sensitivity in valve seating or sealing

reflected signalscan causereflected signals

to changeleadsto change

to a new patternleadsto a new pattern

in leakage across the membraneresultsin leakage across the membrane

the surface discontinuitymay causethe surface discontinuity

This ringing(passive) caused byThis ringing

to the symptomatic nature of present day solutions and thinkingcontributesto the symptomatic nature of present day solutions and thinking

( within the context of the presented theorywould result( within the context of the presented theory

to techniques by which the crack propagation could be modelledledto techniques by which the crack propagation could be modelled

some tangent conditionssetsome tangent conditions

and some tangent conditionssetand some tangent conditions

in the EL filmis causedin the EL film


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