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Qaagi - Book of Why



emotional distress from GBVcausedHIV treatment default

Blood StainCausingHiv Treatment

Side - effects of HIV treatment Like any drugscan causeHIV treatment

by HPV(passive) is caused byHIV treatment

healthcare provider about cookies that would limit the time to store no significant depletion(passive) is caused byHiv treatment

by drug shortages(passive) caused byHIV treatment

side - effects which can be painfulcan also causeside - effects which can be painful

to an undetectable HIV viral loadhas leadto an undetectable HIV viral load

side - effects which tend to be worstcan causeside - effects which tend to be worst

she is pregnantdiscoversshe is pregnant

in better medical management of HCV / HIVhopefully resultingin better medical management of HCV / HIV

side - effectscan causeside - effects

Insulin resistance(passive) caused byInsulin resistance

to increased STD infection rates among men with HIV because of behavioral factorsledto increased STD infection rates among men with HIV because of behavioral factors

to increased STD infection rates among men with HIVledto increased STD infection rates among men with HIV

liver problemscausingliver problems

in re - emergence of VL casesmight resultin re - emergence of VL cases

unwanted side effects in userscausesunwanted side effects in users

some abnormal liver function testscan causesome abnormal liver function tests

facial LDS(passive) caused byfacial LDS

alsomay leadalso

in mobile and alone full eradoes influencedin mobile and alone full era

to viral suppressionleadsto viral suppression

to the maintenance of an undetectable viral load in individuals living with HIVcan leadto the maintenance of an undetectable viral load in individuals living with HIV

to the prevention of onward transmission via sexual contact and other transmission routescontributesto the prevention of onward transmission via sexual contact and other transmission routes

to the worsening of the situationleadingto the worsening of the situation

to the worsening of the situation and further spreadsleadingto the worsening of the situation and further spreads

to HIV prevention and care modelsleadingto HIV prevention and care models

in major reductions in HIV - related morbidity and mortalityhas resultedin major reductions in HIV - related morbidity and mortality

in viral suppressionresultsin viral suppression

to a 96 % reduction in HIV transmission in serodiscordant couplesledto a 96 % reduction in HIV transmission in serodiscordant couples

to a 96 % reduction of sexual transmission of HIV in serodiscordant couplesleadsto a 96 % reduction of sexual transmission of HIV in serodiscordant couples

in improved carewill ... resultin improved care

to neurocognitive disorderleadsto neurocognitive disorder

to help someone who isis designedto help someone who is

to long - term reductions in HIV - related stigmaleadsto long - term reductions in HIV - related stigma

to a reduction of up to 48 % in deaths due to HIV since Despite major progresshas contributedto a reduction of up to 48 % in deaths due to HIV since Despite major progress

in getting your HIV viral load to undetectablewill resultin getting your HIV viral load to undetectable

in getting your HIV viral load to undetectable , which will promote a significant increase in your CD4 countwill resultin getting your HIV viral load to undetectable , which will promote a significant increase in your CD4 count

to increasing sexual risk - taking in rural South African communitieshas ... ledto increasing sexual risk - taking in rural South African communities


some abnormal liver function tests but that is more of a concern in someone with underlying liver disease who is taking chronic therapycan causesome abnormal liver function tests but that is more of a concern in someone with underlying liver disease who is taking chronic therapy

to undetectable viral loadsleadingto undetectable viral loads

to an undetectable viral loadleadingto an undetectable viral load

from drug law enforcement tacticsresultingfrom drug law enforcement tactics

in a profound reduction in AIDS - associated deathshas resultedin a profound reduction in AIDS - associated deaths


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