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Qaagi - Book of Why



to feed successfully on us(passive) are designedDeer ticks

first(passive) were ... discoveredDeer ticks

Lyme - diseasecausingdeer ticks

the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks(passive) is caused byThe deer tick

by the Rocky Mountain wood tick(passive) is ... caused bydeer tick

diseasecauseddeer tick

bacteria transmitted by an infected tick when it feeds off your dog(passive) is caused byThe deer tick

to release a new album , The Black Dirt Sessions , on June 8th via Partisan Records(passive) is setDeer Tick

to make another appearance in Manchester following a visit earlier this year , visiting the Night & Day(passive) are setDeer Tick

Big(passive) is ... composedDeer Tick Hope

This disease(passive) is primarily caused byThis disease

tick paralysis in dogscan causetick paralysis in dogs

That disease(passive) is particularly caused byThat disease

Lyme disease(passive) is caused by Lyme disease

Lyme disease(passive) is caused byLyme disease

the Lyme diseasecan causethe Lyme disease

the Lyme diseasecan causethe Lyme disease

other illnesses(passive) caused byother illnesses

Lyme diseasecan causeLyme disease

Bacterial disease(passive) usually caused byBacterial disease

in areas with deer originatedin areas with deer

a severe bacterial infection that affects mammals and(passive) is primarily caused bya severe bacterial infection that affects mammals and

Lyme and other diseasescan causeLyme and other diseases

Lyme Disease , characterized bymay causeLyme Disease , characterized by

several debilitating diseasescan causeseveral debilitating diseases

serious problems for whitetails in more ways than onealso can causeserious problems for whitetails in more ways than one

alsocan causealso

Lyme disease , which are spread by micecauseLyme disease , which are spread by mice

in Lyme disordercan resultin Lyme disorder

a complex , three - stage , two - year lifeleada complex , three - stage , two - year life

a medical condition(passive) caused bya medical condition

Lyme disordermight causeLyme disorder

Lyme disease rash in dogs(passive) is caused byLyme disease rash in dogs

Lyme diseasecauseLyme disease

Lyme disease , which affects dogs , cats , and people differentlycan causeLyme disease , which affects dogs , cats , and people differently

Lyme disordercould ... causeLyme disorder

to Lyme diseasecan leadto Lyme disease

Lyme diseasemay causeLyme disease

Lyme illnesscould ... causeLyme illness

Lyme disordercan causeLyme disorder

useful source Lyme disordercould causeuseful source Lyme disorder

Canine Anaplasmosis ( aka dog tick fever or dog fever(passive) is also caused byCanine Anaplasmosis ( aka dog tick fever or dog fever

This disease(passive) is caused byThis disease

Lyme disordermay causeLyme disorder

Lyme conditionmight causeLyme condition

Lyme conditionmay causeLyme condition

in Lyme illnesscan resultin Lyme illness

am Lyme disease rash in dogs(passive) is caused byam Lyme disease rash in dogs

Lyme conditioncould causeLyme condition

Lyme diseasemight causeLyme disease


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