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Qaagi - Book of Why



concerns(passive) was prompted bydecision

the fact that the expert had received the information(passive) was influenced bydecision


state high court ruling(passive) is prompted byDecision

by everything that got you to the point(passive) are ... influenced bydecision

by everything that got you to the point(passive) are ... influenceddecision

aside(passive) would be setdecision

by someone(passive) perhaps influenced bydecision

other people(passive) influenced bydecision

by a conflict of interest(passive) was influenced by Decision

a conflict of interest(passive) was influenced by Decision

the mindset of the professionals who make these decisions(passive) is influenced bydecision

by the outcome of that single instance where we win(passive) influenced byDecision

other informationcan influencedecision

a consultation on how best to implement the concordat(passive) was prompted bydecision


# choicesresults# decision #

the economic factors ... makinginfluencedecision

an appreciation of the economic factors ... making and the impact of such factors on familiesinfluencedecision

the economic factorsinfluencedecision

by where we work(passive) is influenced bydecision

by our education , which is influenced by our family of origin , which is influenced by where we were born(passive) is influenced bydecision

by our family of origin , which is influenced by where we were born(passive) is influenced bydecision

by where we were born(passive) is influenced bydecision

by a MASSIVE company layoff(passive) was prompted bydecision

new knowledgewill influencedecision

Beliefwill causedecision

this change in the law(passive) possibly was influenced bydecision


to seekto influencedecision

Someone hasto leaddecision

Someone hasto lead( decision

a goalsettingdecision


What factorsshould influencedecision

my need for purpose(passive) was influenced bydecision

Factorscould be influencingdecision

by concerns that some of its members(passive) was prompted bydecision

by concerns(passive) was prompteddecision

The dessert choiceswill causedecision

to their deathsledto their deaths

your bookwhen designingyour book

to his demisewill leadto his demise

them make wrong decisioncausethem make wrong decision

a party targeted todiscovereda party targeted to

an uproarcausedan uproar

to final judgmentcould leadto final judgment

the coursewill setthe course

Topic A : Results of your decisions Topic BresultsTopic A : Results of your decisions Topic B

to actionleadto action

to actioncould leadto action

to changesetto change

to a surprising ruling in courtwould leadto a surprising ruling in court

to actionleadsto action

a lot of banter by sport fans on the Internetprovokeda lot of banter by sport fans on the Internet

alreadyhas ... setalready

to highsetto high


to Vance 's Supreme Court appealledto Vance 's Supreme Court appeal

to staysetto stay

to meetsetto meet

from a recommendation made to ... or committed to ) by the playerwould resultfrom a recommendation made to ... or committed to ) by the player

to leavesetto leave

to closesetto close

the stage for a federal ruling which could go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and could affect marriage bans outside Californiasetsthe stage for a federal ruling which could go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and could affect marriage bans outside California

timeset asidetime

a precedentmay seta precedent

AsideTo SetAside

to actionleadsto action

to changeleadingto change

to studycould leadto study

in the needresultedin the need

to winningcould leadto winning

the reasons for disposing of the case in a particular mannersettingthe reasons for disposing of the case in a particular manner

to little market reactionledto little market reaction

this timeset asidethis time

to largesetto large

to usesetto use

to somethingcould leadto something

to debatecould leadto debate


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