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Qaagi - Book of Why



This potentialcan causecurrent

That voltagewill causecurrent

This circuitcausescurrent

The force or pressure ... to flow in a circuitcausescurrent

ANY potential differencewill causecurrent

to flow by voltage , which can be (passive) is causedCurrent

The internal bias currents(passive) are setCurrent

The most up - to - date modeldesignedcurrent

voltage(passive) is caused byCurrent

// call the function , save theresultcurrent

The flow of these chargescontributescurrent

B - Fields caused by Currents Acausescurrent

Not sureresultsCurrent

The voltagecausescurrent

differences in electric potential(passive) is caused byCurrent

A switch in the closed positionwill causecurrent

potential differences ( voltages(passive) is caused byCurrent

A changing magnetic fieldcan causecurrent

The result ... in whichleadscurrent

potential differences(passive) is caused byCurrent

the flow of positive or negative chargescan causecurrent

voltage decreasecausescurrent

in this case we can saycausescurrent

at the thread level(passive) is setCurrent

The continuing flow ofcausescurrent

Voltage ... the forcecausescurrent

The test method of the present inventioncausescurrent

The chargewill contributecurrent

Voltagealways causescurrent

a change in magnetic flux(passive) is caused byCurrent

The voltageleadscurrent

Voltagewill causecurrent

do electrons move in a wirecausingcurrent

Lets put it this way , do electrons move in a wirecausingcurrent


by flow of free electrons(passive) caused bycurrent

the motion of electrons(passive) is caused byCurrent

two potential and two Individual TestLeadscurrent

_ 31 Voltage Voltage causescurrent

the value of the resistance(passive) is set byCurrent



any danger to humansdoes ... causeany danger to humans

money contributemoney

to voltageleadsto voltage

up to 70 Ampsettingup to 70 Amp

voltage in this circuitis leadingvoltage in this circuit

to an increase in static power consumptionleadingto an increase in static power consumption


this ... at least > directlyis causingthis ... at least > directly

pain and currents larger than aboutcausespain and currents larger than about


to expandleadingto expand

the continued failurecausingthe continued failure

list with authors & influencessetlist with authors & influences

damage to causedamage to

he camera(passive) is sethe camera




a sensation causea sensation

the voltageleadsthe voltage

The visibility state(passive) is setThe visibility state

excitement causeexcitement


in an input voltage that swingsto resultin an input voltage that swings

the appliance to become energizedcausesthe appliance to become energized

to different priorities for advancing supply chain sustainabilityleadsto different priorities for advancing supply chain sustainability

re or electrical shockmay cause re or electrical shock


this to occur at lower load currentscausesthis to occur at lower load currents

a loss to causea loss to

this to occur at lower load currentscausesthis to occur at lower load currents

the businessto resultthe business

HEAT(passive) is caused byHEAT

fire or electric shockmight causefire or electric shock

the extra heatingcausesthe extra heating

heart fibrillationmay causeheart fibrillation

from an overload or short circuittypically resultingfrom an overload or short circuit

side effectscan causeside effects


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