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Qaagi - Book of Why



a lance and wounds to Saint Francis's handsresultingfrom crucifixion

the JewscauseChrist?s crucifixion

by any regime(passive) was ... invented byCrucifixion


A practicing Jewpainteda crucifixion

as the ultimate in slow , painful and tree(passive) was designedCrucifixion

jesus(passive) had ... been inventedthe crucifixion

by the movement of the body against the wall(passive) caused bycrucifixion

in such a way as to torture a person to death(passive) was designedCrucifixion

condemned criminalsbeing ledout to crucifixion

after an engraving by Martin Schongauer , c.1475 , one of his largest and most detailed depictions of the subject by one of his followers(passive) is paintedThe Crucifixion

to prolong the tortuous death of the victim(passive) was designedCrucifixion

about 300 - 400(passive) was inventedCrucifixion

Jesus Christ , who is God Himself ... the most tortuous deathscould inventcrucifixion

The Assyriansinventedcrucifixion

by Giovanni Donato da Montorfano Giovanni Donato da Montorfano(passive) painted byCrucifixion ( 1495

to Bring About a Certain Death(passive) is DesignedCrucifixion

Old Master Art Oil Painting Antique Christ Jesus on The CrossPaintedCrucifixion

to make the victim die publically , slowly , with great pain and humiliation(passive) was designedCrucifixion

to inflict humiliation as well as intense physical anguish(passive) was designedCrucifixion

by the other 's sins(passive) caused byCrucifixion

The first of the Franciscan artistspaintedCrucifixion

Mother ... the same cause of deathresultsfrom crucifixion

the Persians(passive) was invented byCrucifixion

to provide a death that was not merely humiliating(passive) was designedCrucifixion

the Romansinventedcrucifixion

as a slow and painful means to death(passive) was designedCrucifixion

the Romans ... the Messiahinventedcrucifixion

by Cesare Nebbia(passive) painted bythe Crucifixion

to humiliate the person(passive) was designedCrucifixion

to make ones death as long and painful as possible(passive) was designedCrucifixion

that the disciple?s calling wasto causecrucifixion


the peopleinventedcrucifixion

as a public spectacle(passive) was designedCrucifixion

whose back wallwas painteda crucifixion

to produce a slow , agonizing , torturous death(passive) was designedCrucifixion

to produce a slow , agonizing , torturous death(passive) was designed Crucifixion

of course(passive) was designedCrucifixion


to resurrectionledto resurrection

to the Resurrectionledto the Resurrection

to resurrectionleadsto resurrection

to the resurrectionhas ledto the resurrection

death by asphyxiation due to the inability to breathe while hanging from the cross when thecauseddeath by asphyxiation due to the inability to breathe while hanging from the cross when the

death by asphyxiation due to the inability to breathe while hanging from the cross when the muscles are relaxedcauseddeath by asphyxiation due to the inability to breathe while hanging from the cross when the muscles are relaxed

on paperpaintedon paper

in atonementresultedin atonement

to His resurrectionledto His resurrection

the death of Christcausesthe death of Christ

him to die by suffocationcausedhim to die by suffocation

to the resurrectionleadsto the resurrection

to defeat of sin , deathledto defeat of sin , death

death butcauseddeath but

terrible painmust have causedterrible pain

to new life and resurrectionleadsto new life and resurrection

us to the resurrection and salvationleadsus to the resurrection and salvation

the pain and damage(passive) caused bythe pain and damage

for the slaughtering of lambsset asidefor the slaughtering of lambs

to the Tombleadsto the Tomb

to the death of Jesus Christleadingto the death of Jesus Christ

to his deathleadingto his death

in turn to his death , resurrection , and exaltation with the Fatherledin turn to his death , resurrection , and exaltation with the Father

to resurrectionleadsto resurrection

you to die of suffocationcausedyou to die of suffocation

to his resurrection , by which he destroyed the permanence of death and replaced it with a new and never - ending life with God for those who choose to accept itledto his resurrection , by which he destroyed the permanence of death and replaced it with a new and never - ending life with God for those who choose to accept it

to His resurrectionleadingto His resurrection



to his death on a Fridayledto his death on a Friday

our heartswill setour hearts

in persiaoriginatedin persia



to deathonly leadsto death

to either asphyxiation or heart failureto leadto either asphyxiation or heart failure

in deathalways resultsin death

the scars(passive) caused bythe scars

Against the wall(passive) is paintedAgainst the wall

to a long suffering death of asphyxiationleadsto a long suffering death of asphyxiation


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