economic damage in several wayscauseeconomic damage in several ways
in Chinaoriginatingin China
real harmcan causereal harm
considerable damage the UK economy by undermining genuine UK retailers and small businesses who are honest and abide by the rulesalso causeconsiderable damage the UK economy by undermining genuine UK retailers and small businesses who are honest and abide by the rules
great harm not only to the brand owners but also to legitimate traders that face unfair competition from cheap fake brandscausegreat harm not only to the brand owners but also to legitimate traders that face unfair competition from cheap fake brands
in huge economic lossesresultin huge economic losses
another hurdle for safe online shoppingcreatesanother hurdle for safe online shopping
from spreading given the ease by which counterfeiters have access to global markets via the internetcan be preventedfrom spreading given the ease by which counterfeiters have access to global markets via the internet
the adverse financial consequences(passive) caused bythe adverse financial consequences
to bad user experience in addition to dramatic loss of revenue for companies and significant socio - economic costs for economiesleadto bad user experience in addition to dramatic loss of revenue for companies and significant socio - economic costs for economies
the global economic losses(passive) caused bythe global economic losses
the financial implications(passive) caused bythe financial implications
to a disaster that could easily have been avoidedcan leadto a disaster that could easily have been avoided
to convey the “ false impression that the company is associated with Audi Audidesignedto convey the “ false impression that the company is associated with Audi Audi
physical illness , injury or even deathmay ... causephysical illness , injury or even death
in billions of dollars lost each year in salaryresultin billions of dollars lost each year in salary
in car Picturediscoveredin car Picture
in car | Bournemouth Echo Mandiscoveredin car | Bournemouth Echo Man
in a sizeable loss of revenueresultin a sizeable loss of revenue
increasing frictionhas causedincreasing friction
to enhance quality and satisfactionare ... designedto enhance quality and satisfaction