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Qaagi - Book of Why



The shear rate , resultedfrom the gradient of velocity across the cylinder radius

by the kinematic effect of revolution(passive) could be caused bya part of the velocity gradient of the rotation curve

to transfer fluid momentum from the centre of the duct to its cornersthereby causinga bulging of the streamwise velocity contours towards the corners

Turbulence - driven secondary motions that arise in duct flows act to transfer fluid momentum from the centre of the duct to its cornersthereby causinga bulging of the streamwise velocity contours towards the corners

Bouncingcan causelack of traction in superior velocity corners

to mill rounded grooves(passive) are designedCORNER RADIUS Corner Radius Style Cut Corner Radius Style End Mills

elementsresultsfrom the increased velocity gradient of laminar drift

by the EMdrive(passive) caused byGradients in the local velocity field of the vacuum

An evolution is also noticed in the hub wake , the negative circumferential velocity doubled from OP1 to OP5leadingto larger velocity gradients at the border of the backflow zone

the sexesresultsfrom the increased velocity gradient of laminar drift

in a rotation velocity that increases more slowlyresultsin a rotation velocity that increases more slowly

in the relative velocity difference across the particle between the particle and fluid in the direction of the gradient , which causes the pressure difference in the same directionto resultin the relative velocity difference across the particle between the particle and fluid in the direction of the gradient , which causes the pressure difference in the same direction

to non - uniform inertia forcesleadsto non - uniform inertia forces

to a rear - end that feels lighter than I 'd likewill leadto a rear - end that feels lighter than I 'd like

the danger of boundary layer separation [ 6causesthe danger of boundary layer separation [ 6

Doppler shifts , thus changing the effective depth up to which the medium is probed 2causesDoppler shifts , thus changing the effective depth up to which the medium is probed 2

Doppler shiftscausesDoppler shifts

to this phenomenoncontributeto this phenomenon

to temperature anisotropiesdo ... contributeto temperature anisotropies

to more air flow reattaches directly on the upstream half of the dimples ... thereby enhancing heat transferleadsto more air flow reattaches directly on the upstream half of the dimples ... thereby enhancing heat transfer


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