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Qaagi - Book of Why



more localised stressors(passive) caused bycoral reef degradation

by more localised stressors(passive) caused bycoral reef degradation

by pollution(passive) caused bycoral - reef degradation

by coastal development , associated pollutants , and major shipping lanes(passive) caused bycoral reef ecosystem degradation

coastal development , associated pollutants , and major shipping lanes(passive) caused bycoral reef ecosystem degradation

increased sedimentation , anchor damage , excess nutrients , ship groundings , storms , hurricanes , and diver contact(passive) has been caused byCoral reef degradation

increased sedimentation(passive) is caused byCoral reef degradation

increased sedimentation , , excess nutrients , ship groundings , storms , hurricanes , anchor damage and diver contact(passive) is caused byCoral reef degradation

local and global factorscausingcoral reef degradation

by the human and natural factors(passive) caused byCoral reef degradation

Human activities as well as natural phenomenon are knownto causecoral reef degradation

another human activitycausescoral reef degradation

the major human activitycausescoral reef degradation

coral mining ... the major human activitycausescoral reef degradation

climate changewas causingcoral reef degradation

by local factors(passive) is ... caused bycoral reef degradation

by local factors(passive) is ... causedcoral reef degradation

the diseaseare causingcoral reef degradation

in partcausedin part

will continue to cause a significant decline in Bahamian fish populationshas causedwill continue to cause a significant decline in Bahamian fish populations

in part by ocean warmingcausedin part by ocean warming


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