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Qaagi - Book of Why



Mr. Nestle , Mr. Hershey , and Ruth Wakefieldinventedchocolate chip cookie dough

I?ve been eating the same ice cream flavourdiscoveredchocolate chip cookie dough

Refrigerate for an hourto setthe cookie dough

... Ruth Wakefieldinventedchocolate chip cookie dough

I rememberinventedcookie dough ice cream

Someoneinventedthe cookie dough

Mr. Hershey , and Ruth Wakefieldinventedchocolate chip cookie dough

to be enjoyed raw(passive) is designedThis cookie dough

Ruth Wakefieldinventedchocolate chip cookie dough

Especially since they claimto have inventedcookie dough ice cream

shot glass moldsare ... designedfor cookie dough

orderto setthe cookie dough

he suggestsgot designedcookie dough

for instance(passive) is composedCookie dough

the guy who helpedinventcookie dough ice cream

mainly(passive) is ... composedCookie dough

the companyinventedcookie dough

he claimsgot designedcookie dough

as an example(passive) is composedCookie dough

The womaninventedcookie dough ice cream

also(passive) was ... inventedCookie dough ice cream

he claimshave now designedcookie dough

my bodyresultedin cookie dough

he claimshave designedcookie dough

to be safe to eat completely raw(passive) is designedThe cookie dough

a tray of my namecomposedin cookie dough

in cakey or dry cookiescan resultin cakey or dry cookies

for preparing home - made cookiessettingfor preparing home - made cookies

in tough cookiescan resultin tough cookies

the cookies to be flatcan causethe cookies to be flat

to be cutoutis ... designedto be cutout

in tough cookiesmay resultin tough cookies

to this recipeleadsto this recipe

to make a batch of perfectly level biscuitsis designedto make a batch of perfectly level biscuits

cookies to turn out flatter and crispier than you may prefercausingcookies to turn out flatter and crispier than you may prefer

and golden on topis setand golden on top


out to soften a bitsetsout to soften a bit

in my birthday weekenddiscoveredin my birthday weekend

in the fridge for an hoursetin the fridge for an hour

which ... the house withdesignedwhich ... the house with


for about 15 minutes at room temperaturesetfor about 15 minutes at room temperature

out for about 5 - 10 minutessetout for about 5 - 10 minutes

before the butter meltssetsbefore the butter melts

for a cookie pressdesignedfor a cookie press

up in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to an hourto setup in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to an hour

to be baked from frozendesignedto be baked from frozen

from the refrigerated section of the grocery storeoriginatesfrom the refrigerated section of the grocery store


for eating in its pure formdesigned solelyfor eating in its pure form

for an hoursetfor an hour

This bowl(passive) is influenced byThis bowl

to eat straight from the jar's designedto eat straight from the jar

to be eaten raw or bakedis designedto be eaten raw or baked

and toppingsetsand topping

out in bowls on a kitchen countersetout in bowls on a kitchen counter

to be consumed directly out of the containerdesignedto be consumed directly out of the container

out to softensetout to soften

to a cracked cookie with an incredibly moist texture and molten chocolate flavorleadsto a cracked cookie with an incredibly moist texture and molten chocolate flavor

to a cracked cookie withleadsto a cracked cookie with

to a cracked cookie with anleadsto a cracked cookie with an

to a cracked cookieleadsto a cracked cookie

specifically for eating raw ( such as that found in ice creamdesignedspecifically for eating raw ( such as that found in ice cream

food poisoninghad ... causedfood poisoning

for eating raw ( such as that found in ice creamdesigned specificallyfor eating raw ( such as that found in ice cream


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