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Qaagi - Book of Why



As plates move , so do the continents that are part of the platesresultingin continental drift

that the continents slowly went apartcausedcontinental drift

current the continents ... to movecausingcontinental drift

the continents ... to movecausingcontinental drift

tectonic platescausedcontinental drift

by plate tectonics(passive) caused bycontinental drift

the plate movementcausingcontinental drift

The large - scale movement of tectonic platescontributesto continental drift

tectonic platescontributesto continental drift

by Scrat(passive) caused byCONTINENTAL DRIFT ( ... off course :)

by the slow continuous motion of plate - tectonics(passive) is causedcontinental - drift

seabed expansionis causingthe continental drift

by Scrat(passive) caused byCONTINENTAL DRIFT

the movement of plate tectonics(passive) is caused byContinental drift

shiftingcausingcontinental drift).

not expanding the sea floorto causecontinental drift

tidal pullwould influencecontinental drift

the processleadingto continental drift

the caphas discoveredcontinental drift

the forcecausescontinental drift

the climate of the pastinfluencedthe Continental Drift theory.[18

a rigid section of the earth 's crustcausescontinental drift

Plate tectonics , driven by the internal heat of the Earth 's coreresultin continental drift

tectonic platescausingcontinental drift

a series of tectonic plates , which are constantly moving and shiftingalso causingcontinental drift).

that slide over each otherto causecontinental drift

by convection currents ... in the sea(passive) was caused bycontinental drift

by convection currents(passive) was causedcontinental drift

It was over the past hundred thousands of years , the tectonic plates have been movingleadingto continental drift

so it will slip along the oceancausingcontinental drift

by sea floor spreading(passive) is caused bycontinental drift

by sea floor spreading(passive) is causedcontinental drift

by plate tectonics(passive) was causedcontinental drift

by plate tectonics(passive) was caused bycontinental drift

by plate tectonics(passive) caused bythe continental drift

that fossil evidence was foundto causethe continental drift

This processcausescontinental drift

a redistribution of mass ... the apparent polar wanderresultsfrom continental drift

crustal plates that move , like thosecausecontinental drift on Earth

by the earth 's shifting plates(passive) caused bycontinental drift

changes in circulatory patterns of ocean currentscausingchanges in circulatory patterns of ocean currents

continents to move with respect to one anothercausescontinents to move with respect to one another

major climate changecausedmajor climate change

in regional shifts in the locations of continents in relation to lines of both latitude and longituderesultsin regional shifts in the locations of continents in relation to lines of both latitude and longitude

Plate movement(passive) is caused byPlate movement

the earthquakescausesthe earthquakes

the tectonic uplifting and folding of the calcite stratumcausingthe tectonic uplifting and folding of the calcite stratum

the tectonic plates that makes up the crust of our planet to shift , split apart and slowly collidecausesthe tectonic plates that makes up the crust of our planet to shift , split apart and slowly collide

of courseleadsof course

the continents to split apartcausedthe continents to split apart

the continents to move apartcausedthe continents to move apart

to climate changeleadsto climate change

to climate change ... because where continents are , and how big they are , affects the ocean currentsleadsto climate change ... because where continents are , and how big they are , affects the ocean currents

to climate change ... because where continents are , and how big they areleadsto climate change ... because where continents are , and how big they are

to the study of plate tectonicsledto the study of plate tectonics

rifts(passive) are causedrifts

it to move away from Africacausedit to move away from Africa

failed rift valleys(passive) caused byfailed rift valleys

tectonic platescausestectonic plates

land masses to move into colder areas of the planetcausesland masses to move into colder areas of the planet

Antarctica to slowly shift its position on Earthis causingAntarctica to slowly shift its position on Earth

Ridges and trenches(passive) are caused byRidges and trenches

in dramatic climatic shiftsresultingin dramatic climatic shifts

Antarctica to move apart from the landmass of South AmericacausedAntarctica to move apart from the landmass of South America

friction in the earth?scausesfriction in the earth?s


global warming(passive) is caused byglobal warming

Antarctica to move apart from the landmass of South AmericacausedAntarctica to move apart from the landmass of South America

in a cooler climateresultedin a cooler climate

Antarctica to move apart from the landmass of South America causedAntarctica to move apart from the landmass of South America

the pangea separation of our now known 7 continentscausedthe pangea separation of our now known 7 continents

ocean currents and windscausedocean currents and winds

The gradual cooling appears(passive) to be caused byThe gradual cooling appears

the continents(passive) caused bythe continents

the North American plate to move roughly 2.3 centimeters per yearcausesthe North American plate to move roughly 2.3 centimeters per year

the continental movement westward(passive) caused bythe continental movement westward

By Plate TectonicsCausedBy Plate Tectonics

Movement of air mass ... ; 2(passive) caused byMovement of air mass ... ; 2

air mass(passive) caused byair mass

from plate movementsresultingfrom plate movements


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