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Qaagi - Book of Why



CLA ) CLA(passive) is discoveredConjugated linoleic acid

first(passive) was ... discoveredConjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA

first(passive) was ... discoveredConjugated linoleic acid

Dr. Michael Pariza and Dr. Mark Cook at the University of Wisconsin , Madison(passive) was discovered byConjugated Linoleic Acid

researchers at the University of Wisconsin(passive) was discovered byConjugated Linoleic Acid

timeto designConjugated Linoleic Acid

to reduced body fat levels and an improved immunityleadsto reduced body fat levels and an improved immunity

to improved immunity and reduces body fat levelsleadsto improved immunity and reduces body fat levels

of an isomeric mixture of linoleic acid containing conjugated double bondsis composedof an isomeric mixture of linoleic acid containing conjugated double bonds

alsomay ... causealso

immune responsecan influenceimmune response

fat lossprovokingfat loss

to a lower concentration of triacylglycerol , known for the role it plays in ischaemic heart disease developmentledto a lower concentration of triacylglycerol , known for the role it plays in ischaemic heart disease development

to lean muscle developmentcontributesto lean muscle development

two principle proteinsinfluencestwo principle proteins

triglyceride levels to decreasemay causetriglyceride levels to decrease

fatigue , nausea , headaches , backache , and an increased risk of bleedingmay also causefatigue , nausea , headaches , backache , and an increased risk of bleeding

from milkoriginatesfrom milk

increased permeabilitycausedincreased permeability

howevermight resulthowever

in fat lossresultsin fat loss

some mild side effects on rare occasionscan causesome mild side effects on rare occasions

further bleeding for the period ofcould causefurther bleeding for the period of

in a decrease in body fatresultedin a decrease in body fat

to cardiovascular diseasemay contributeto cardiovascular disease

the rate of your blood ability to clot to slow down significantlycausesthe rate of your blood ability to clot to slow down significantly

to fat lossleadingto fat loss

to weight lossmay contributeto weight loss

to weight lossleadingto weight loss

losing weightcauseslosing weight

fat losscausingfat loss

in weight lossresultingin weight loss


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