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Qaagi - Book of Why



conflicts bring about changecausesconflict

So Change often ... ; conflicts bring about changecausesconflict

Change oftencausesconflict

racial , religious , and tribal differences(passive) caused byconflict

a competition for resources , a disagreement about procedures , or a disagreement about a decision(passive) may be caused byConflict

conflict leads to warcausesconflict

like a leader is holding their people downcausingconflict


Disputes over access to other natural resources , like oilalso causeconflict

by individual behavior Staff(passive) caused byConflict

their disagreements and issuescauseconflict

Differences in goalscauseconflict

by only two causes : a difference in perspectives or a difference in values(passive) are caused byconflict

a conflict , Violencecausesconflict

issueshave been causingconflict

The " decision " issueis causingconflict

Challenges and Conflicts Perhaps the area with greatest potentialto causeconflict

misunderstandings , differences in opinion or purpose , and competition over limited resources(passive) can be caused byConflict

Dealing with conflictCausesConflict

Disagreements among the list of group partners ... which enable itto causeconflict

peace and unity on issueshave causedconflict

Even emotional differencescauseconflict

peace and unity ... issueshave causedconflict

a difference in opinion , feelings and interest(passive) is caused byConflict

what the issue or problem isis causingconflict

Differences of opinioncan causeconflict

conflict Actors struggle over competing agendas War Electionscausesconflict

competition over resourcesDoes ... causeconflict

Does competition over resourcescauseconflict

Does competition over resourcescauseconflict

by strain in relationships or a situation at work(passive) caused byconflict

I do n't want ... because it 's a battleto causeconflict

The failure to accept the differencescan causeconflict

Scarcity of resources of interest or perception that interests are incompatiblecan causeconflict

information asymmetries - caused by power shifts among conflicting parties and/or by changes in the value of contested resourcescan provokeconflict

we can avoid conflict , or we can try to create peacecan causeconflict

Especially in a professional context , you may fearcould promptconflict

crises including communication crises(passive) can be caused byConflict

But sometimes differencescauseconflict

The differences ... enoughto causeconflict

to warcould leadto war

conflict solution + causes conflict solution +

conflictsto causeconflicts

to famine and hungerDoes ... leadto famine and hunger

problems ... true ... butcausesproblems ... true ... but

to numerous military conflictsleadingto numerous military conflicts

to anger , hostility , and further conflictscan leadto anger , hostility , and further conflicts

more conflictsonly causesmore conflicts

to change of status of conflicting partiesmay leadto change of status of conflicting parties

to CrisisLeadsto Crisis


to change in the relative status of the conflicting partiesmay leadto change in the relative status of the conflicting parties

to battle , combat , fighting , strife and warcan leadto battle , combat , fighting , strife and war

to warleadsto war

to violenceleadsto violence

to change in the relative status of conflicting partiesmay leadto change in the relative status of conflicting parties

to violence and unrestleadsto violence and unrest

to violencecan leadto violence

in war(swould resultin war(s

out of balance and peacecausesout of balance and peace

to violenceeventually leadsto violence


to peaceleadingto peace

to Civil Warleadsto Civil War

The challenges on the path to harmony in our lives(passive) is caused byThe challenges on the path to harmony in our lives

tension which may show itself in avoiding each other , competition or even verbal or physical confrontationcausestension which may show itself in avoiding each other , competition or even verbal or physical confrontation

to problemsleadsto problems

conflictsWill causeconflicts

even by farseteven by far

to disharmony , disruption , and possibly destructionleadsto disharmony , disruption , and possibly destruction

thousands to fleecausedthousands to flee

in either problem - solving and resolution or an all - out warcan resultin either problem - solving and resolution or an all - out war

to violencecan also leadto violence

to aggression which leads to stressleadsto aggression which leads to stress

to frustration - aggression - violence , butmay leadto frustration - aggression - violence , but

to frustration - aggression - violencemay leadto frustration - aggression - violence

to frustration - aggression - violencemay leadto frustration - aggression - violence

to action ( a verbal battle in this caseleadsto action ( a verbal battle in this case

to social chaosleadsto social chaos

from change in the organizationresultingfrom change in the organization


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